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Projects '59 Thunderbird Radical Custom build.

Discussion in 'The Hokey Ass Message Board' started by flynbrian48, Oct 22, 2013.

  1. Model T1
    Joined: May 11, 2012
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    Model T1

    As for the information on Dagmars, I'm sure most of us mature, okay im-mature, members know why things that protrude get called Dagmars. But I don't mind being reminded, even with photos.
    And about eyes. Two and half years ago I poked myself in the eye with a 30' tree branch. Knocked the lens into my eyeball. Yes, it was an ouchie moment. Three new lenses, a partial cornea, all kinds of other crap, and I still can only see 20-100 out of that eye. I'm afraid to use my chainsaw, drill, grind, or do much of anything now.
    I need the good eye to continue looking at Dagmars and kool old cars!
    Keep on doin what you are doing Brian. Your work amazes me.
    Dagmars and's a female sorta guy thing.
  2. flynbrian48
    Joined: Mar 10, 2008
    Posts: 8,497


    So, here's a pic of something other than the fender skirts! Front fender sporting the '63 Caddy headlights, and note that I also AGAIN cut a little "whoopsie" out of the top eyebrow, when I noticed the line wasn't quite right.

    It's all about the re-do. And sometimes the RE-re-do.

    I'm going to fill in the rectangular hole in the front bumper, which is now too small to accept the stock park/turn signal housing, and put a round driving light in a new round opening. Gonna go junk-yard scrounging for some suitable round driving lamps to use, and I'll make 'em also be turn signals.

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  3. flynbrian48
    Joined: Mar 10, 2008
    Posts: 8,497


    Worked all day on the 'Bird, and you can't see what any progress, BUT! The rear inner fenders are DONE, the welds are ground down on the quarter panel mods, and I tweaked the left skirt a little more so it fits better. Also, I tweaked the rear bumper lower pan a bit, and hung it so as to be sure the quarters had the right position before i welded the inner panel together. All good, I don't think I have to cut anything else apart!
  4. Jonnie King
    Joined: Aug 12, 2007
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    Jonnie King
    from St. Louis

    I remember seeing this artwork a number of years ago and thought it was just perfect...but would require a lot dedication and hard work to put it all together.

    [​IMG]od Good luck...and thanks for the pix.

  5. PC Jr
    Joined: May 27, 2013
    Posts: 44

    PC Jr
    from So Cal

    I have had the car you posted under construction for some time now. We are coming to the end of the body work and expect to have it off for paint after the first of the year. You are correct in assuming the amount of work that goes into a project of this scale. It has been well over 18 months of metal shaping alone. Quite a journey but I suspect when completed it will have been well worth it.

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  6. flynbrian48
    Joined: Mar 10, 2008
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    PCjr, you're building the Eric Black 'bird? Hollywood Hot Rods is building a similar one, I missed them when we were in Burbank in Oct., but I've been corresponding with them and hope to see it in person next time we're out. Mine is going to be similar, but not a copy. I'm using some of the ideas Eric illustrated, but it's going to be all mine.

    Got any photos?

  7. PC Jr
    Joined: May 27, 2013
    Posts: 44

    PC Jr
    from So Cal

    Yes Brian, HHR is doing the metalwork and mechanical modifications. I commissioned Eric to do a rendering based on his Hirohata bird illustration with a couple design changes Troy and I thought would be nice. You can refer to recent article in Street Rodder magazine for a few details on the car. Good luck with your build. I admire your skills and you doing your work yourself.

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  8. flynbrian48
    Joined: Mar 10, 2008
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    Wow, small world. I'd gotten that SR just before we went out, but the shop was closed the Sat. We were in town. Eric's art, and your car were the inspiration to a) chop my car's already removable hardtop,and b) modify the quarters. I too was struck by the "Hirohata" Bird, but didn't want to directly copy it. I'm looking forward to seeing progress on your car, and even more finally getting mine done!

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  9. Finnrodder
    Joined: Oct 18, 2009
    Posts: 2,970

    from Finland

    That t-bird has really great lines in the pic.I got curious and checked out the Hollywood hot rods website,but there wasnt pics of it...
    And keep it up,flynbrian48!
  10. flynbrian48
    Joined: Mar 10, 2008
    Posts: 8,497


    PC's 'Bird is the subject of a Street Rodder article a couple of issues ago. I don't know if you can access it in the online version like you can with Hot Rod magazine, but it's a nice piece, and really showcases the subtle (and some not so subtle) work done on this T'Bird. Like my build, it's like the Eric Black version, but different.
  11. PC Jr
    Joined: May 27, 2013
    Posts: 44

    PC Jr
    from So Cal

    There are two deviations we asked Eric to make to the original Hirohata bird. They are quite minimal but allow the original lines to be emphasized. Instead of rolling the rockers the lower accent was maintained. The other mod was to remove the Mercury style molding outlining the side scallop. The remaining unique features we plan to keep under wraps until the car sees it first show but I will say there is not a panel on the car that hasn't been reshaped. Again, good luck in getting yours completed.

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  12. flynbrian48
    Joined: Mar 10, 2008
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    PCjr, you're much more reserved than I am. I'm like, "Hey! Lookit what I did!", and you're, "We've changed somethings, I'll show you when it's done." LOL, other than that, we think a lot alike.

    I too liked, and kept the rocker panels little flair at the bottom, which, like the fins, is a defining part of the cars character. I'm passing as well on the moulding in the scallop, but mainly because I'm not capable of fabricating a piece like that, and I can't afford to pay someone who can, although I know several guys who COULD.

    My car will be devoid of almost any chrome, there will be a little polished stainless, and I have some of my machine finished pieces in the interior. I'm trying to keep with the "Jet Age", fighter jet feel the cars original lines evoke, but not in an in your face style (think painted on rivets or fake aircraft cockpit stuff). I think the removable hardtop and permanent tonneau cover will be the focal point of the car, as there isn't another one anywhere with both of those features, so it'll be my "signature".

    I'm going to pull the roof back off today and get back at it, after I plow the driveway...

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  13. 40StudeDude
    Joined: Sep 19, 2002
    Posts: 9,561


    Here's a thot Brian...since you are using the tonneau AND a top, why not go find yourself an old '57-'59 Ford retractable and incorporate that mechanism into the 'Bird...

    I saw a '64/'65 Mustang in Nebraska that had a retractable top...if it'll work on a Mustang, your 'Bird is longer to accomodate that top...!!!

    That'd be some work, but you'd have the best of both worlds in a radical kustom at that point...

  14. flynbrian48
    Joined: Mar 10, 2008
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    I've thought of that, but AFTER I scrapped the '64 T'Bird convertible parts car I bought for the top bows. I could've used the deck lid hinges, all the cylinders, relays, package tray flipper etc. etc., but at the time, I thought it too much work, and I was tired of looking at it in back of the garage. I tried to give it away to several guys around here with the same era 'Birds, with no takers, so off to the shredder it went.
  15. lookin good man! anyone that keeps up with rod and kulture magazine will recall this months issue with a 64' Pontiac tempest street car concept. it was meant to be a street racer but could easily pass off as a wild kustom. ANYWAY this thing had some pretty dern neat lines on it that reminded me a lot of your birdie there, plus the colors on it were killer. nice kind of metallic blue with gold accents. ill get a pic up here if I can and maybe you'll get some x-tra inspi-ration off of it!
  16. flynbrian48
    Joined: Mar 10, 2008
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    I unlatched top and pulled it off today to get the windshield trough finished up. This was just tacked together, with a couple of spacers from the cowl to the lowered w/s frame, and had to be filled with a strip metal. I got all but a section about 6" long done, and am happy with how it turned out. The curve made it necessary to cut cardboard patterns to fit the shape, everything ends up being curved.

    This all after I built a fire in the stove, plowed my drive, the neighbors, and my folks. By then the shop was about 50 and comfortable enough to work in. Of course now that I'm done, it's 65 in there, and I'm in the house.

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  17. BrerHair
    Joined: Jan 30, 2007
    Posts: 5,080


    Just keeps getting better.

    Thanks for posting that pic, Jonnie. Gorgeous.

    Great build Mr. McCool.
  18. OahuEli
    Joined: Dec 27, 2008
    Posts: 5,243

    from Hawaii

    Looking good!
  19. I believe that heating issue is a thing called: WINTER:D:D good to see youre still working on it. cant wait to see how this thing comes out.
  20. flynbrian48
    Joined: Mar 10, 2008
    Posts: 8,497


    Since it was a balmy -2 here this morning, I was in no hurry to get out and work in the shop, so I had an extra cup of coffee or two. I waited until the thermometer read +3, went out and built a fire in the stove, fired up my GMC dually and got the driveway plowed.

    By the time i was finished, the shop was almost 50, so I got busy and FINALLY finished up the fabrication for the fender skirts, and got the windshield trough finished up. I ended up bolting the secondary skrts to the primary ones, a little more secure, and they come on and off bolted together. So, that's good.

    Tomorrow, the shop will still be warm, and I can finally start the finish bodywork. A BIG step!

    Check out my blog, "Cool McCool's Garage" by clicking on the link in my signature line for more photos. I"m VERY happy with todays progress!

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  21. PC Jr
    Joined: May 27, 2013
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    PC Jr
    from So Cal

    It was close to 80 degrees today. I spent the afternoon on the back of my yacht. Fkuck you Brian!

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  22. PC Jr
    Joined: May 27, 2013
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    PC Jr
    from So Cal

    Only joking. I am half way thru a bottle of Glenlivit and a Cohiba, enjoying 80 degree weather. Bask in the winter chill my friend!

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  23. flynbrian48
    Joined: Mar 10, 2008
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    LOL, next time I'm in SoCal, I'll help you with that Glenlivit! Merry F*&%king Christmas!
  24. PC Jr
    Joined: May 27, 2013
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    PC Jr
    from So Cal

    You are always welcome. My treat.

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  25. flynbrian48
    Joined: Mar 10, 2008
    Posts: 8,497


    While the snow falls on the '51 Pontiac that I pulled to keep it from getting completely covered with grinding dust and body filler dust, I got a bunch done this morning.

    The windshield trough is finished, and I started re-shaping the dashboards foam "eyebrows" These things I made originally because I couldn't afford a new dash pad. They're the original dash pad bases, covered with squirt foam, formed in a mold I made from cardboard, then finished with body filler. Now, with the dash cut up and the pods extended for the sunken dash, an original pad won't fit anyway. I re-shaped them to make 'em a little more "rounded" , and I'll skim them with filler again where I cut into the foam base.

    I found a scrap of 10 ga. that'll be prefect to fill the front bumper's turn-signal holes, and finished up the welding on the rear bumper. Now, the tedious job of grinding all the welds down so I can start the body work.

    I REALLY like the car's new profile with the sunken w/s with the top off. The tonneau cover looks perfect on it. I don't know if all the work involved in chopping the hardtop was needed, since I doubt it'll be on the car very often, but I guess the fun of doing it is reward enough.

    Here are some pictures of this mornings work. And my poor old wagon out in the snow...

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  26. flynbrian48
    Joined: Mar 10, 2008
    Posts: 8,497


    Hmmm. That steering wheel has got to go… How can I keep the cruise control? Has to be a way...
    Last edited: Dec 17, 2013
  27. Great to see the progress, made it into the 60's again and will go up much higher tomorrow. Lookin real damn fine finishing bodywork is a little more fun. Hope the weather shows mercy and you get this thing on da road
  28. Torchie
    Joined: Apr 17, 2011
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    Member Emeritus

    Looking Great Brian.
    How deep did you sink the windshield into the cowl?
    Hope you post lots of pics of putting in the windshield as I have always wondered what's done to make the bottom trim and lower part of the winshield look stock.
  29. flynbrian48
    Joined: Mar 10, 2008
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    Torchie, it's dropped just shy of 2". The stock rubber gasket will be used, and I'll simply extend the apron, valance panel, w/s wiper panel, whatever, an inch and whatever to have it almost touch the glass. I suppose a piece of pinch weld rubber gasket on it would make it look like the stock gasket, but we'll see when I install it what looks best.
  30. Dude, just realized that I hadn't subscribed to your build. Fixed that!

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