I just give up my 38 chevy charges sometimes sometimes not oh well before I rebuild that generator I am planning to convert to 12 volt does anybody have the complete list of parts needed I am keeping all the gauges, heater, excetra Thanks in advance Ed Vasquez
i havent seen it, but speedway sells a 12 volt conversion book, thats supposed to be the best riverrat
You should be able to use a voltage drop on all the 6v stuff like guages. If the guages are mechanical I think you would just need to swap bulbs.
Bulbs work fine they just light up inside like Christine before she kills!!!!!! Yeah 12v bulbs would be better. Don't forget headlights and tailights. Fan motor will spin real fast like Michael Jackson at a Toys "R" Us on popsickle day. Just use voltage drops when applicable if you are worried. Get a 12 volt coil with a ballast resistor too. Internal resistor coils are easier and cleaner than external but either will work as long as you have one otherwise you will burn your points up fast. I can't think of anything else right now but I am sure there is something else.
Here is the list of the main components that I used during rewiring. Most of these are universal type parts but some are items that, after researching, will work just fine. There may be other alternatives but at least this is a starting point. It was also a conversion from 6volt + ground to 12volt - ground. Coil - Echlin 27460 (Napa) Condenser - Echlin RR174 (Napa) *I use two of these, one at the distributor and one at the coil. This PN is actually for the older type Chevy condensers but they work just fine on the flathead. Voltage regulator - Echlin VT6188 (Napa) *This is the PN for a 12volt to 6volt regulator that can be used for gauges, etc. that need the voltage reduction to function properly. Personally I would recommend using the Runtz style regulators for gauges. The Runtz type can be had from JC Whitney or Speedway. The number listed above should work for heaters. I don't know...mine doesn't have heat. Ignition Solenoid - Echlin ST81 (Napa) *This only pertains to Ford products. Light Switch - KEM LS16 (National Auto) Alternator - Napa 213-4011 Headlight Dimmer - Echlin DS1155B (Napa) Ignition Switch - Echlin KSI21 (Napa) *If you go with this ignition switch you may want to double check the part number. I have a few different switches flying around the garage and I do not remember if this model is exactly what I used. Any keyed universal ignition switch will suffice and should be available at most parts stores. This part number is a dash mount type. 2 Pole Flat Connector - 755-1598 (Napa) *I used four of these, one at each corner of the car for headlights and tail lights. They can be found in the trailer wiring section and they are great to use as they are water tight and allow for a quick disconnect. Turn Signal Switch - JCW-1330138 13ZX8973N (JC Whitney) *This switch is fine but I found an easier to install version from either Ron Francis. I would go with the RF version because it has a plug end instead of loose wires that need to be spliced. The turn signal circuitry is a bastard and it took me a whole day to get it figured out. With the plug end version all you need to do is match up the plug that comes with the wiring kit you are using and you are done. Of course I found it after I had mine wired up. The reason this occured is because I am using the standard '46 column and it was not originally equiped with turn signals. Ballast Resistor - ? (National Auto) *If you are going from 6volt to 12volt you will need one of these in the ignition circuit. I can't find the PN of the item I used, dammit. But I axed for a ceramic ballast resistor "like the old mopars had" and the guy at the counter actually knew what I was talking about. You will need a 12volt battery also. I think that is everything...If you need anything else please feel free to PM me. Hope it helps.
i just did a conversion on my 41 ford and I used the book from speedway and it was very helpful it is worth the money. The book helps clarify some of the myths,like your starter wont work or run backwards and thing like that. Give it a look. hope this helps you.
Get Randy's Book. http://www.fifthaveinternetgarage.com/index.html Same book as speedway, but buying directly from him. The book is in plain English. He is a good guy too.