Finishing up reassembling my engine and am running in to a small problem. The bracket that retains the 700r4's TV cable will interfere with my existing accelerator bracket and linkage. My question is can I modify my bracket by shortening it for clearance without hurting my geometry. Any experienced advice or know how would be greatly appreciated.
Yeah I'm just shortening the bracket causing the cable retaining point to move forward. It will still be attached at its correct point on the carb.
Seems to me your 'cable retaining point' has to remain the same distance from the carb as it was originally. Otherwise, I would think the cable travel would be affected, UNLESS the amount is so small that the cable housing adjustment is sufficient to compensate for the bracket movement.
You have to maintain the OEM length between the cable shield clamp at the carb and the connection point of the cable itself to the carb linkage. If you change this length you will have problems. Also , the distance the cable moves between idle and wide open throttle must also be the OEM distance , or again, you will have problems with shift points.
I have a telescopic adjustable TV cable I purchased from monster transmission if that makes any difference.