Found a box of papers stashed away in the shed yesterday that brought back a lot of old memories. It was stuff from the early to mid 60's that among other things included a number of old decals,a courtesy card that was handed out by our old hot rod club to stranded motorists to try to "Promote better relations" with the general populace and a invoice from Honest Charley for a Spalding Flamethrower that was on backorder.I later found that the reason for the backorder was that Spalding was being taken over by Grant. I finally got the Grant Flamethrower about a year later and had already sold the Dodge hemi powered 39 Chevy that it was ordered for. Some of these companies are still around and some are not but it got me to wondering if anyone else can remember some of the companies and organizations that are long gone but that played a major roll in your hot rod world back in the day.