In The Christmas Story 2, Ralphie shifts his attention from a childish BB gun for X-mas to a Merc ragtop and pretty cheerleader. None of the original cast but a worthy watch. I give it 3 out of 4 WWW up. (HAMB rating)
My father was an Oldsmobile man as well. His were a bit tamer than the one I drive thus my plate frame. Yeah, there's a stack of year tags on there.
Are you thinking about another movie? “A Christmas Story” was made in 1983. 53 years ago would put you in the time frame of “A Christmas Memory” by Truman Capote, which is another great movie staring Geraldine Page.
Could be why when I looked on the Old Town Theatre calendar it wasn't there ! Thank you it must be A Christmas Memory no wonder I couldn't recall it .
My favorite scene is when Ralphy walks through the model a coupe body... looks just like mine when I brought mine home from an abandon farm.
Well I’m pissed off! I saw that movie in its first week when it originally came out (mainly because I was curious about a rabbit suit at Christmas), spread the word to all, saw it multiple times, had my truck in CSII in a very small part, and now it’s only on HBO?! Fuuuuuuudge! @&#+&*§$*@&@!~. My own little “tapestry”...
In Cleveland the Christmas story house is now for sale-What a great way to say" you are totally NUTS!
I enjoyed your short story and the reminiscing of your childhood memories. I can read stories like this all day long... I grew up in the country on a farm, and working on farm's. Gun's are important tool's and used for hunting and protection. I also started out with a Chrome plated "Cap Pistol 6 shooter" and a hand-me-down Daisy BB Rife lever action. By the time us three boys and my two sisters reached 5 years old, we carried in our paint pockets a three bladed pocket knife, we used the pocket knives everyday, and used the Daisy BB Rifle on rat's, mice, goffers and snakes in the big yard. Thanks for sharing a little bit of your past. 1Nimrod (Dustin)
Would one suppose the back-alley model 'A' bodies were clever movie prop additions, or strictly happenstance.....
That Cabriolet body led a hard life, as the movie takes place in 1940, as deciphered from the Little Orphan Annie decoder pin that Ralphie receives is the 1940 “Speedomatic” model. so that poor model A was at most 12 years old!
Love the movie, watch it almost every year. Just discovered that one of my three older brothers, Ralph won't watch the movie. I guess the catch phrase "Ralphie boy!!!" wore him out back in the day and he doesn't want to hear that again. Too bad, missing a great movie tradition. Goose dinner in the Asian restaurant is awesome. But not quite as awesome as the beat down Ralphie boy puts on the eff tard bully. Cinema gold.
My wife and I just finished watching the sequel "A Christmas Story Christmas" on HBO Max. They did a good job of tying it to certain scenes from the original movie. It will be added to our future annual Christmas movie binge watch list.