Anyone out there know a good old school locksmith in Los Angeles. I used New York Key in Hollywood for years, but they gave up the ghost a couple of years ago. I need someone to hand cut new keys for my original door and trunk locks on my '56 Studebaker. I have new key blanks and have the locks sitting on my desk here in Hollywood. I need someone with a shop--the mobile guys don't seem to be either interested or capable of making keys to fit my locks by hand. Getting new cylinders is a possibility--but that would be over $100 from the Stude vendors and they wouldn't have the cool, old-school stainless swiveling dust guards. So, if any of you guys know of someone, please post the info here or send me a message. THANKS!
If nobody comes through with someone closer (I made about 30 phone calls and nobody seemed all that interested), I guess I'll be making that drive some time this week! Thanks.
try safe mart in gardena. he took care of my 52 chevy... The Safe Mart of So Cal Inc. 15100 Crenshaw Blvd Gardena, CA 90249 (310) 516-0224