Ryan, if You want something in Poland and can use my help - let me know. I live here, I am polish, so language barrier could be much less of a trouble for You .
Months later... These will go on sale on Monday so long as I get my shit together. They are gonna be like $30... or maybe a little cheaper... plan is to break even with me getting 5 free ones. Just haven’t done the math yet. Sent from my iPhone using The H.A.M.B. mobile app
If you only got 200 these are going to sell out quickly..... I’m going to get in line now so I don’t miss out
I've always though the people who camp out in front of the retailers this time of year were a but nuts. That being said, I'm gonna grab some warm clothes, a chair, ditch work, abandon my wife and kids for a few days, and join you on the sidewalk
How?? When?? I know that if I blink after they go online they'll all be sold!! I want my four...maybe I should take hostages or something.
I figured these would be an Alliance first kind of thing. Forgot about them till now. Glad I was able to grab two while they're still available.
Mine are on order, thank goodness and Ryan too. We're probably two weeks away from a rapacious secondary market on E-Bay as the idle rich desperately try to recover from their fumble in missing the premier status symbol of the 21st Century!