I have 75 to 100 of the early AFB accelerator pump plungers that I would like to rebuild. Could anyone tell me what type and where I can get the correct leather for these? Thanks
Not certain how you plan to disassemble the pumps, as they are crimped together. The expander spring will also need replacing. As to the leather: You need to start with "crown" leather (the underside of the cow), then: Have fun! I currently make about 7 different diameters of leather cups. If you want quantity, there are some leather forming companies that will make these, if you have a drawing. The last time I checked, minimum order was 2500 pieces at just under $2.50 each, but that was a few years ago; doubt seriously if the price has decreased. You also have to pay for the mold, which they keep. In the FWIW category, I don't even try to rebuild them; just throw the old ones away, and start from scratch. Make the stems and thimbles on a lathe, mold the leather (have had a couple of common sizes reproduced), wind the spring, and assemble the pump. Jon