Ok here is my situation. I currently am running the stock front suspension with 2" lowering springs and the rear is a camaro 10 bolt with 3" lowering blocks and the stock leaf springs with air shocks. I was given an air ride setup with quality pieces ( i think) contitech bags, firestone compressor and thomas compressor 2 3 gallon tanks. The whole setup came off of a 51 4 door chevy and the front bags already have the cups on them, so I think those can just replace the front springs. For the rear I was thinking of removing the blocks and removing the smaller leafs and putting the bags on that, but I have heard mixed reviews on how safe or functional that is. Anyways if anyone can help me out or have a different better way of doing it I Would appreciate it. I know I could spend a ton of money on an mII or whatever but I am trying to use what I have. I also already have bolt in front disc conversion from Jamco for the front, not sure if that would affect the bag setup. Any and all advice on the best way to go about this will be helpful. Teach me!!!!
seriously dude, use the search function. there is TON of info on bagging this particular model. mustang II, stock, Jaguar, etc. but to answer the deal about rear bag over leaf... if you're going to do it, make sure you leave at least 3 leafs in the pack. i had a customer come in with bag over leaf with only the main leaf installed. you should have seen the distortion in the spring. just waiting to break. it scared me. you could also install a custom mono leaf if you decided to do that. were it me, i would install a Jiminez Bros. 2 link suspension. no cutting the floors or trunk depending on how deep you wanna notch it. its real straightforward and reasonably priced.
hey Deadted 88.. do a search on this subject.. has been covered numerous times.. so are you looking to bag the stock front suspension? if so, there are a few good threads covering this for 49-54 chevy's... i do know they do have set up for the leaf springs.. just depends on the finished result your going for.. money you want to spend.. and your skill level when it comes to installation... im running the mII with a rear four link.. did it myself.. wasnt too difficult.. but your right. the MII is going to cost some $.. anyways.. try the search and good luck!
Thanks guys. I have searched this tons of times trying to gather info about it, posting was my last resort because. Knew people would tell me to search haha. Guess I am not searching the right way though. I appreciate the tips.
I just scored a stock frontend that was setup for bags, looking at it, it's a really nice job? The bags mount to a plate welded in unstead of a spring cup. The only thing ill change is I'm going to drop the lower a arm for two more inches of drop. But I'll check it first before I do that. For the rear I've been discussing a 2 link with Ryno on here. With the 2 link I won't have to cut into the rear seat pan. I don't mind using a 2 piece drive shaft also. I'll grab a s10 rear to swap in and mate it all up! If I were farther along I'd post some pics but I just got my frontend on Tuesday. Still gathering parts!! Posted from the TJJ App for iPhone & iPad
screw the search function....if everyone used search no one would post/interact! My advice is ditch the leafs! I think bags on axle and a parallel 4 link with watts link is the best route to go. Great performance and better ride than leafs. I have been anti 2 link. However I myself have to break down and make one for my buick to retain my backseat (like chaddilac) and get more lift than I have now. 2 links are very cheap and easy to build. Not to take business from a builder, but the Jiminez kit is way over priced in my opinion. You could do it yourself (or with a skilled welding buddy) on the way cheap side.
Chadillac that sounds like a good setup! I would love to see photos of the front end if you get a chance sometime. Ifabstuff haha i agree about the search. Why are you anti 2 link? I do think the 4 link is the best way to go, but all the fab work seems $$$ cause I cant do it myself. Dont you have to move the gastank when doing a 4 link too? It seems like the gambino tail dragger kit is looking like the best option, no wonder a lot of people have it on here!
Be careful with how many rear leafs you take out. I went down to two leafs and bags over springs on my '51 wagon. The amount of spring wrap that I had broke both of the Ride Tech brackets and left me on the side of the road with the drive shaft beating the tunnel to death. I now have a full spring pack with lowering blocks with the same bags over springs. Works well.
the search engine on this site is AWESOME if you're savvy with keywords. dont use the little drop down search window. THAT sucks. use the advanced search. it is miles apart.
I'm with the rest of these guys ditch the leaves, I did air over leaf on my Fairlane and after about a year it snapped my main leaf. Luckily I was just in a parking lot going slow but it got pretty squirrely... if it happened on the road it could have wrecked the car! So i put in a suicide doors 4 link and it was like driving a new car. And my 53 chevy is 2 linked and it works fine, not as good as a 4 link but you can keep the stock seat and not that much floor cutting involved. Go for a 2 link or 4 link either one has plenty of information out there.
http://www.jalopyjournal.com/forum/showthread.php?t=740778 Heres my thread. Pics suck but if you have any questions ill do my best to help you