Any ideas on what to adapt for a pump? I am sure it will not be easy to find an Algon and another fuel injection company went bust. I need to through this but want to get some ideas. I appreciate the insight.
Is this Algon injection some thing that you had for a while, or did you get it recently from " dual quad 55 " here on the HAMB ?
Algon injection first used a low pressure pump from an aircraft application. The name of at least some of those pumps was Cherry xxxx, sorry but I can’t recall the second half of the name. Anyway I believe the pump pressure was around 5-6 psi and the individual cylinders could have their flow adjusted with flow control valves as seen here. This is a more modern flow control shown for clarity. Hilborn pumps were around 30 psi and when Algon made the switch to higher pressure they stopped using the flow control valves and went to a metering block with a barrel valve. I’m thinking you could get a drive spud for the end of your cam and adapt a Hilborn pump and metering system to your Algon manifolds. Sounds easy but I never tried. BTW, am I correct to assume this engine will be built for competition use only?
Motor is a built motor, may swap on for track use - need to get car together first but starting to research.
I second mad Mikey, call Alky Digger 307 White Bridge Pike Nashville, TN 37209 US Customer Service: 615-457-3192 Pat
I don't understand the need of individual flow adjusters. On the street or on the lakes, we never needed those in well-maintained systems of Hilborns and Enderles. (Or we maybe just couldn't see the need.)
I don’t know what is true, but this is what I’ve read and been told. These early Algon’s (and maybe later ones) used a fuel bypass connected to the throttle linkage. You can see it in the above picture. It also mounted the fuel hoses. There’s a needle (think a Carter step up rod, or better the fuel needle in an SU) to richen the mixture as more throttle was applied. Apparently the circle track guys liked these as they gave better response for part throttle to WOT exiting the corners. But the only really good tuner was Al Gonsalves himself. The fine tuning was accomplished with those valves at the injectors. Not so much necessary when only interested in WOT performance. Any comment on this more than welcome. Theres also an Algon thread or two here.
I’ve used 2 Algon injector systems on my GMC ‘s. Both had Cherry-Burrel pumps. The were the later ones without adjustable nozzles. According to Enderle they have an excellant barrel valve style. I changed both to Enderle pill/jet nozzles and used a Hilborn pump after fighting the Algon adjustable plate on the C-B pump. Both mine also used a belt drive.
You might try Kinsler Fuel Injection in Michigan. They service all kinds of fuel injection.
I used a belt drive on the street on and off for about 30 years or so. One time with my way out-gunned roadster racing my friend's strip-ready 427 Chevelle, I got ahead of him (1st time ever!) and went thru 1st and 2nd in my Hydro, throwing it in neutral, over-revving the motor taking the belt drive out and declared me the winner (1st time).