my sport coupe. after what seems like a century, finally drove it this summer. hope to be able to drive it regularly next summer. it'll still be a looonng way from being finished.
I hope V8-60 is okay? I borrowed the coat for the photo from my old friend Bill Cole, who was a Stroker back in the day.
Lots of inspiration. We're scavenging parts to put together a 30/31 for my uncle. This makes me want to get started NOW!
here is my v8, 8BA and french flatty's Uploaded with my coupe and tribute So-Cal by Harley Shop. and Miss Irene. Uploaded with
I got a question fellers... Im puting my sedan back on an A frame, 59ab, 47 truck trans, opendrive rear, T spring rear, dropped axle front.. My question is... I put my fan on my generator to shorten the motor up but by my measurements my fan is now above my radiator!!! What am i doing wrong?!? I need some AV8 help!!!
forddraggin, I love you're coupe. I just picked up a restored 30.can you tell me you're Tyre sizes and how much you have dropped it? do you run the a rear end and spring if so how did you lower it? Sent from my DROID device using the TJJ mobile app