Kool thread Here is a couple, the green is mine K ................................. Taildragger&fenderless
Thanks much, just completed the finishing touches this weekend. Broke in the cam and put about 30 miles on it Saturday. It was in the 30's here, but it was still fun! Can't wait for the snow to stop and spring to get here. By the way ..... I have been following your post for some time. We have approached many build issues the same way.
The bracket is from Speedway, they make them for 59AB or 8BA. Pully is Offy also from Speedway. Fan is early Ford V8 trimmed down to 13" dia. Had to machine a 1" thick hub to adapt the pully to the fan due to different bolt circles. Alternator is GM internally regulated. Looks alot like yours, only I made the hub. Love the stance on your Coupe.
Thanks for the nice words. I think you've got yours nailed too. Keep 'em coming. Btw, are you able to tension the belt ok? We had some height and fan clearance issues and lengthened the vertical slot in the slingshot as far as we dared to lower the whole assembly. But then had no ability to tension and ended up adding an idler. Is that a narrow belt you're running...maybe it's just the angle of the pic.
Bingo! We are all running into the same issues. Made slot a little longer and added stiffener accross old fan mount bolt holes. I trimmed fan to 13" O.D. which gave clearance at top radiator tank. It's a wide belt now (was narrow for mock up), no tensioner. Longest wide belt i could find is 55", but was still too short. An old streched one fits good. Takes 2 people to adjust it, one to pull, other to tighten the nut. What belt are you using?
So you have a surveillance camera in my garage?....ha, ha. Yeah, also made a horizontal stiffener for the sling shot. We originally had a B50 but it was really too tight and now have a B52 with the tensioner, so ours must be lower and/or the alternator pulley must be smaller. Here's what we did:
I also cut about 1/2" off the top of the manifold boss to clear alternator underside. Thus lowered the whole rig about that amount. Will take and post some more detailed pictures tonight. Provides enough slack to get the belt on, then we just pull up to the belt limit. Your device looks well engineered.Thanks for part numbers, didn't know Napa had those belts.
Thanks Mark The "A" is now inn for some small changes I'm done with yellow K ................................ Taildragger&fenderless