This is mine finished late last year and i'm just waiting for all the snow to go so i can start to put some miles on it and iron out any bugs that might spring up !! What a great thread
Here's the thread I used to help me make the hood.....great thread IMO. Thanks BuschandBusch. It came out ok. The LH side appears to be running uphill because of the way it looks with the louvers. The grill shell is actually at the right height for the cowl. Anyways, it was my first attempt at sheetmetal work! Maybe one day I'll make another one to improve it. The sides are actually '30-'31's cut down vertically and extended horizontally to fit. Cheap swap meet scores. Back to real AV8's - sorry for the diversion. Mike
BobBooth car looks really great. Look forward to seeing it out and about this summer. Here's Old Rusty, my 31 on 32 rails - (I was told not strictly an A-V8) - with a very tall gentleman. Photo taken at the UK supernats 2003. Here's another pic: And one showing the New French motor fitted for last years Nostalgia Nationals. Mart.
ok here is is again out in the cold got the cross member welded and the fan put together and in place.ts about 1/2 inch from the radiator is that to close?
Seems too close to me. Considering the flex you can get in an A chassis, I'd want an inch, minimum. Bob
1/2 inch seems Ideal to cool the flatmotors from what I've seen. it's best to run the radiator support rods (from cowl to top tank) to keep the honeycomb in place
here's my pride and joy. Just waiting for the snow to melt and the roads to dry up. Can't come soon enough for me.
Some? haha, looks like the only thing that's not brookville is the cowl top/gas tank...that's not included in the brookville roadster base price Not that it's a bad thing...if I ever build another hotrod it's gonna be %100 brookville on an original A frame. Forget the body work and all the bullshit with crusty old roadsters, bolt er up and driver in primer! lol Seriously nice car dude! Wish it was mine. Steve
No really what it is about, but still history making V8's Quoted from Wheels Magazine Australia. Eight great V8's Welcome to our ode to the modern era of vee-eight glory. Here, in no particular order, are eight rip-roaring v8s that rocked our world and fried our tyres.<!-- / message --><!-- sig --> <!-- / message --><!-- sig -->
30 coupe,32 grill shell..built in 1958 and stored in the 60s..49 Mercury motor ,39 trans,40 rearend and brakes,48 steering sector with cross steer. Cut down A wheel centers with 15" wheels..It was torn apart years ago,but i got all the parts with it .after setting all that time i changed oil and set the points in the home made dual point ,it started and ran perfect WOW the water pumps dont even leak{yet}