Ya I guess you're right it probably isn't correct for this thread, I'll stand down. Sorry for the rant.
You don't know what I do or don't do. You don't know what I build and don't build. And while you may actually know what an altered is, you DON'T know it does NOT belong in an altered wheelbase thread. Yeah, I know you can't help showing off your shit, regardless if it belongs or not. I suggest you start a fresh thread on how fucking cool you are
If I may- After Steve and I did the initial altering here in SoCal, he moved back East with it, and completed the front end. Then, got his DOHC Cammer in it, which grenaded withing ten minutes of start-up. So much for crate engines... He tells me its just about back on the road!!! I'm telling you, in twenty years, we're gonna look back at this car and, well, I guess we're gonna wonder WTF were we thinking!!!
Altereds on the street. Not very long video, but it gives a good vibe: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5eWmom9buMs
That car's way too bad ass to be wearing those generic, everyone's got em wheels. At least paint the spokes a better magnesium looking color. Now, let's see a video of that bad boy doing a hard launch
Nice shots, Mike. I gotta make it to a HPAC night some time since it's only a couple of miles from where I live!
This looks so much like cars we used to race it hurts me to look at the photo's. We really didn't care exactly how fast they were or even exactly what class they figured. We just got em' hot and pinned their ears back racing one another from sundown saturday til' church bells rang on sunday. damit I miss racing. Tom S. in Tn.
I can't argue with you. The 1:24 Camaro you pictured is a nice piece, and like you said for 1/2 the money. All I can say is the Camaro was first offered in what 2005 (?) and RSC made 8,500 of them. Like in everything, the more you make, the less expense they get. If it was made as a "new mold" today (2012 - as these 1:18 Plymouth's are) it too would cost more. The bottom line is with todays tooling costs, the die cast hobby not as hot as 5-10 years ago, and now making just 402-750 of a car, and more detailed, they cost a lot more. We have thought of doing them in 1:24 scale also, but like everyone else, our pocketbooks are already strapped making them in 1:18 scale. Everyone would like them cheaper, but that's just not how this project was done. Some like rat rods, some like ISCA show cars. Some like less detailed 1:24, some like very detailed 1:18. To each their own. Yet I too would like to see smaller less detailed less sepensive versions. Hey, you never know... maybe someday. Also just did announce some new injected AWB '65 Dodges. They will be coming as Ramchargers, Color-Me-Gone, Bobby Harrop's Flying Carpet, and Dave Strickler. Also doing the Stickler car as he very first raced, in carburated form. No 1:18 photo's yet, but here are the ones we are attempting to duplicate. The first 3 we hope tonhave in September? The Strickler cars we hope to have in October? Thanks for the read...
Back in the mid 60s I had a comic book of hotrods and drag cars. I found a copy on ebay a while back and can't find it right now, but the reason I bought it (again) was the one car the main character had. If I remember right it was a 66-67 GTO AWB car and the top was cut to mailbox slot height. The driver sat in the rear window area and looked out over the top. I thought it was super cool when I was 9-10 years old. Didn't see anything like that in these pics. Well, there was one Charger that had the mailbox slot chop, but I couldn't tell where the driver sat. Maybe the car in question is a full blown funny car and not just an AWB thus not included here. I was sure I'd seen pics of real cars done that way from back then. Anyone remember better than I do? If I can find the comic book, I'll scan the pic and post it.
@jefscoupe: Search for "Unswitchable" here on the HAMB...there've been lots of photos of it posted here.
This thread has been stagnant for a bit now so the timing on this find could not be better. Two days ago, while cleaning out loads of old trash from a Cyclone I recently purchased, I came across this card, along with others from a great era in drag racing. These'll get pinned on my shop wall of fame!!