Deuces - Not a each his or her own..! If you think about it, the basis for most of this web site is...well..."OLD" cars. Modern copies just don't have the character OR the accuracy in copying...the originals. Plus...if we are on your ignore come you bothered to comment ? Doesn't ignore mean, don't bother, not interested, pay no attention, brush aside. Apparently, you ARE...interested in what we say..! Mike
I really don't care. And as Mike commented, I thought that was the premise of the HAMB--to preserve the history of rodding and racing as it was, not to create circus cars. Some of these things are just shiny rat rods. Roo
If you think about it, the basis for most of this web site is...well..."OLD" cars. 1965 and older cars are "old cars"
very cool with the four stacks (for the rochesters on the man-a-fre) poking through the hood - Ive only seen one other on a big block before
Well here's another one to look at close up. This is on my friends 55 Chevy. Yes it is a Chevy engine with the distributor up front. See how many rare speed parts you can count in these two pictures.
WOW - summers bros front drive, eelco valve covers, grant spalding flame thrower - looks like the man-a-fre has the afterburner too.....showcased in a '55 chevy! sure there is more stuff i missed!
I ran a Man-a-Fre on my small Chevy, in my 56 Chevy for 5 or 6 years. My only car. I think it was about 1970 or so that I bought the Man-a-Fre, unused from a friend of my Dads that never got around to using it. Made my own giant air filter assembly with a Chrysler filter as I recall. Encased all four carburetors. I didn't have the addition of any sort of fuel injection on mine, like above. Mike
I talked to your friend for a while the day they were shooting your coupe "when it was orange" in Bowling Green. It is a awesome car and a pretty cool dude as well. lots of neat parts on this car.
Back up girl wasn't too shabby either. (One of my favorites too!) 6sally6 Yes...I stole this from a HAMB'er post! The 60's were a GREAT time to be alive!
Those two shots are PURE SEX!! Love how the slicks protrude just a little past the rear quarters!If I were two recreate an AFX, those two would be a large part of my blueprint!