I wouldn't waste my time building a hybrid hot rod if my goal was to save money on gas... or an electric one. But I would do it if you wanted a challenge! I have a good friend of mine who is a professor at Cal State LA... and he'd big into EV's... I'd build an electric vehicle, I think they are cool. His is a Porche 914 and runs 14's in the quarter mile! Sam.
I have questions about hydrogen, not to get too far off subject... Everyone loves it because the only emissions are water... but what kind of energy does it take to "derive" the hydrogen??? It seems like no one ever talks about what it takes to make the fuel in the first place...it's the same with ethonol... but I guess it's not any worse than making gas.... something to ponder.
"but what kind of energy does it take to "derive" the hydrogen???" It'soneof the basic (simple) chemistry experiements you do in high school or college chem class. Pass a low voltage current through water and it breaks it down to it's two basic components: Hydrogen (highly flamable/combustable) and Oxygen (oxidizer for combustion). Route that to your internal combustion engine and it will run. To put it isn simple terms. Forget about the Hydrogen fuel cell technology. It requires huge amounts of platinum that is not a readliy available resource (there isn't enough on the earth to support that type of economy), besides the high cost. Keep it simple, it doesn't have to be complex or expensive. "..it's the same with ethonol... but I guess it's not any worse than making gas...." Ethenol can be readily produced from the corn processing waste products. r
It would be kinda cool to have a 'glass turtle-deck T with a Prius gas/electric drive system in the rear. Have the radiator out there where it usually is, but no engine at all between it and the cowl. THAT oughta get some attention at Goodguys, lol. Or you could do some awkward cab-forward bullshit. Think of the possibilities!
Coincidentally, does anybody know where I can get a 6" x 176" rubber band? Gettin' it cocked will be the challenge, but when it's ready look out for the next 2 blocks!
Rubber power is cool and all but you'd have to push it 4 blocks backwards to get tension up high enough to move it forwards those 2 blocks.
i've got a little deal going on with my model a tudor ....its my daily so i am trying to get some mileage out of it.....figure with 2.76 gears ....28" tall tires...and a really mild small block ....it shouldn't be too hard to get 20 mpg out of it......but now heres the kicker.....how about 20 mpg and run in the 11.90's......???? brandon
There was a hybrid Silverado on egay about a month ago, it was painted the ugliest tree hugger green, and the hybrid used an electric motor during cruising speeds - the description said that its mileage was about 3mpg more than a reg motor. Greasel is the shits, I have looked into this and it make sense even with biodiesel
i will never ever ever ever.....ever own/drive a hybrid no matter how high gas gets. honestly, i'll just ride my schwinn.
Dude, It wouldn't be worth it at all. The motor would look ridiculously out of place to say the least. Also, you wouldn't be Hot or Rodding anything. FWD with a 0-60 of 9 or so seconds. I'm sorry but I'm going to have to dump this one in the can. If I had more than two thumbs, I'd give it more thumbs down.
There was a guy in the shop today looking for chassis components for a 32 Ford truck that he is converting to full electric.I didn't get all the details, but he is going to run it through a conventional transmission and rear end. Silly as it may seem to all of us carbon monoxide inhaling guys, I think we will be seeing more of this coming our way like it or not.
NOT traditional. Innovation of this sort has a place, and it's not here. When you can improve fuel economy with Strombergs and Holleys, then I'm all ears. Gas is expensive, it costs to be the boss in a badass hot rod. And there ain't nothing badass about no hybrid
The damn thing about your roadster is the leathal Mercury transmission flluid leak....!!!! (Mad as a Hat'r!!!!)
It would be most appropriate in a "Street Beast" Here's the way to go. One or two high torque motors, (2 for 4wd), 120v dc so you can run a "light" 10-12v battery pack, with an on board common 120v ac/dc gas generator. HONDA makes a portable generator with a 17 hour capacity gas tank. I do believe that could be considered "a days drive"? It would be good for cross country or around town or drag racing, although there isn't and probably won't be a race class for it in No Hot Rods Allowed.
Most of the deaths were from the diesel fuel for the engines..., the Hydrogen "Flashed" without lingering or splashing!!!! Check out "Phoenix Project" by Harold Braun and Dr David Slawson (owner of SES Stirling Energy Systems). Awesome concepts for alternative fuels and engines...!!!
Not Traditional Have you ever been to the Petersen Auto museum? If you haven't. On display & accepting donations for restoration is an early 1900's "Woods Hybrid". This vehicle used both gas & electric motors and was very successful. Most early autos were either Electric Powered which accounted for 20% of all vehicles registered before 1920 or Steam Powered which was about the same percentage. Gasoline was the by-product in the refining process of crude oil and was basically throwaway. automobile MFG's saw this cheap fuel and hence the internal combustion engine became the most reliable & popular choice amongst the mfg's & the automotive buying public. Oil companies became hip, because this by-product that they were just throwing away became worth something. Lets get real here. Big business has & always will rule the world, You can buy into it by paying the $3.00 a gal which cost them pennies to produce or you can say screw em! I own a shirt load of cars-all different kinds, but I totally have curtailed my driving activities. In fact I think most of them are close or near the empty mark. I won't give Haliburton any of my money! I'm glad this was brought up because more than 15 yrs ago there was the coolest lil 29 A Roadster highboy that I used to see @ the NSRA Western Nats in Bakersfield,CA. It's license plate read 48 VOLTS in the traditional Black & gold letters. This car was black primered,had steelies & Bell Auto steering wheel & a tuck & roll job. It ran all around those fairgrounds never overheating or needing a charge, I also cruised next to it from the hotel to the meet & it kicked some pretty good ass too! Earlier this week as I was putting a $2.89 gallon of gas into my 55 T-Bird (1 gal) I was thinking we as rodders should revolt! This is how this great country started.That's why there was the Boston Tea Party! I think that there is enough minds on this board to figure out a viable alternative fuel without having to suffer in the performance dept. There is CNG, Methanol,Ethanol,Propane,Methane and the like. I got enough money to buy gas, I just don't like making the "True Gold Chainers" even richer than they already are by surcumming to their unethical business practices. So lets all put our heads together and come up with a plan.
Are we going to go dump out a bunch of gas dressed as Indians (Native Americans)? I'll get my buckskin pants all dirty.
I'll bring Tonto Kimosabi Don't worry about the Buckskins, Well just take em down to the Rio Grande and rinse em out!
I think what he means is if you plan to get hydrogen from electrolysis, where does all of the electricity come from? In the US 53% (2003) comes from coal burning powerplants. Check out the Department of Energy website. Proponents of hydrogen say we can use photovoltaic cells to create electricity to use for electrolysis but the shear amount of energy needed makes this infeasible. Solar, wind, geothermal all combined account for less than 1% of the US production of power. This is simply the fuel source problem. Hydrogen does have a higher LHV than gas 120 MJ/kg vs. 40 MJ/kg (off the top of my head, I might be a little off). Hydrogen however has a partial pressure problem. When it vaporizes it displaces more volume than gas. Therefore you have less room for air and when mixed to stoichiometric you have less power potential even with three times the LHV of gasoline. Hydrogen engines do respond well to turbo/supercharge applications. These lead to other problems namely pollution. With the high temps achieved with a blown hydrogen engine you get a high NOx output. Every "solution" has its problems.
No - but it IS running from the neat veg oil straight from the supermarket in that little jug in the pic... MPG? - Same as diesel. Performance? Same again. The "trombone" warmed the oil to the same viscosity as diesel within about a mile, using the engine coolant.
.........if your interest is technology??......go for it. If it saving money??.......consider the cost of purchasing the wrecked Prius. They are hotter than a $2.00 pistol right now. Arn't many spare parts lying around. You sure won't find one cheap. Initial cost will offset savings for a long time............. Weird idea anyhow and has NOTHING to do with "spreading the gospel of traditional hot rodding"
Can you buy quarter mile rubber bands??? Look out for the take off!! It'd be a neck snapper! Hope your chubby little girlfriend can hold on to you long enough for the lights to turn green!!
There is a similar concept that even Don Garlits looked at. Using a 3' diameter 400# flywheel with clutches at both sides. Use the engine to get it going and run off the momentum. Unfortunately a flywheel explosion would probably knock down everything for a half mile radius.
"it costs to be the boss in a badass hot rod." Doesn't that just roll right off your tongue? AWESOME!
I'm actually setting up a daily VW jetta diesel to run on SVO, straight veggie oil, and I'm gonna start producing my own biodiesel. I'm into all things DIY, and this is all still relatively unknown to Johnny Q. Public. Can't say I haven't thought about doing it to a rod either. Anything to rely less on big brother! Ken