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Alternative Powerplants.

Discussion in 'The Hokey Ass Message Board' started by tantara2001, Sep 9, 2005.

  1. 48fordcoe
    Joined: Feb 18, 2008
    Posts: 113

    from In

    wow I just keep my thing to my self , if it works I'm happy .I'm just trying something . I can not afford the price of gas and it just going up to $5.00 this year I just got back for about 60 miles drive down the interstate . It ran strong and smooth at 80 the gas needle move just a little . I'm not a rocket science and have never said I was..I'm just trying out something to see if it far I have drove 110 miles today ,I have not use a quarter tank .on my big truck.
  2. Nappy
    Joined: Jul 6, 2001
    Posts: 797

    from York, PA

    Yeah, and there's a LAW that says you're only allowed to run one alternator/generator/battery???

    All ya need is enough hydrogen to run the engine, you can beef up the electrical system from there to power a HHO setup, in theory- the HHO is powered by electricity.

    I'm not 100% convinced, but to call this a 'perpetual motion machine' is stupid. That's like saying the electrical system in a car is 'perpetual motion' because the generator keeps charging the battery which keeps powering the lame EMO fag music that you're probably playing on your CD player, Bort.

    Even if this cuts fuel use in half, I'm listening.

    Although I have no idea what this has to do with traditional rods.
  3. Bort62
    Joined: Jan 11, 2007
    Posts: 594


    Yeah well, good luck with that. I suggest you save your money spent on gimmicky pseudo-science for your gas budget. It will get you farther.
  4. Bort62
    Joined: Jan 11, 2007
    Posts: 594


    And where do you get the energy to spin this second alternator? "In theory" where does this electricity come from to power the HHO setup? Details are a bitch.

    Ignorance is amazing... and please keep your sexual preference to yourself.
  5. Rocket Scientist Chris
    Joined: Mar 3, 2001
    Posts: 624

    Rocket Scientist Chris

    I'm not that bad! :) Besides, I'm working on my homemade hydrogen bomb! I think it'll be worth way more money than a wussy hydrogen cell! :D
  6. Dan10
    Joined: Aug 14, 2007
    Posts: 386

    from Joplin

    Pics and blueprints of YOUR setup or its complete crap. You got some splainin to do Lucy.
  7. 48fordcoe
    Joined: Feb 18, 2008
    Posts: 113

    from In

    It takes 1.24 amp to run the cell
    I have posted the links that i started at just read
  8. I Drag
    Joined: Apr 11, 2007
    Posts: 883

    I Drag

    Hey Bort, you think their grasp of physics is bad, wait till you start hearing their theories on macro-economics.

    Oh boy.
  9. GonHuntin
    Joined: May 3, 2008
    Posts: 6

    Member do realize that the reason they pay 12 cents for a gallon of gasoline is because the price of fuel is subsidized by the Venezuelan government, who also owns the national oil company (PDVSA)..... and that costs them more to make the fuel than they sell it for......right???
  10. Silent_Orchestra
    Joined: Jun 17, 2007
    Posts: 1,313

    from Omaha, NE

    How about we skip all this hydrogen mumbo jumbo, and every one can ride around in giant mouse trap cars?? I built one in enginering class, and it went down the entire hall way...roughly 200 imagine that on a large scale...and then when it stops moving you just pick the back end up and wind it up again.
  11. kenagain
    Joined: Dec 15, 2005
    Posts: 820

    from so cal

    Hey I got a ss tank I started to make one and had it working only problem I had was the extension cord and the water hose limited to about a 100 feet outta the drive way trying to perfect a sattelite system for energy and found a old sparkletts water truck to solve the water problem, just takes a loota hoses and gravity. I will post pics of it running pretty soon. And for you non believers it does not take a rocket scientist to do this just lottsa beer and hard precision work. what the hell if you can change a flat tire youre smart enough to figure this out
    just my 2 cents worth
  12. RugBlaster
    Joined: Nov 12, 2006
    Posts: 563


    The second line is interesting;

    I've got an idea. How much energy would it take to split an atom? I'll bet it's not much. It might even surprise us. Let's ask some Japanese people what they think. Their smart.
  13. stude_trucks
    Joined: Sep 13, 2007
    Posts: 4,754


    It is a fact that modern science has been proven to be a bunch of BS and doesn't work and gut instinct and fear is the new science we need to follow. It is a fact in modern science that there is no way to put (2) of every animal in the world in a hand made wooden boat to save every creature from a 40 day world wide flood, but it happened right? So, we must be able to take some nice clean water and make all the energy we will ever need with $100 bucks worth of parts in our garages. I bet it can be done. The laws of physics and thermodynamics can just be changed like a jaywalking law can.
  14. wheelkid
    Joined: May 25, 2006
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    from Fresno, CA

    What I'm wondering is, does an alternator have the same amount of resistance to the motor when it's going at full charge and when the regulator is working? If it does then you could have it be running full steam all the time and use the extra electricity to run your splitter set up. It would really be "making" energy from nothing, just taking advanage of some energy thats being wasted.

  15. stude_trucks
    Joined: Sep 13, 2007
    Posts: 4,754


    a quick checking into the links and seems legit to me:


    wow, watch out for the fan, that does sound dangerous!

    Tips and Points of Interest, in no particular order.

    If you are near HT overhead power lines the cell will stop. You overcome this by using a 1.5 volt battery. The negative terminal is to be run to the cathode cylinder, and the positive to the cell container. This just gives the water potential, and then it holds that potential.

    TIG weld using only inert gas not an oxidising gas.

    If you are losing cell-water either (a) the foam from the cell is getting sucked into the engine (obviously this can only happen when you are in phase of being connected to the carburetor). Alternatively your cell is shorting out and drawing in air

    Cells often change the weather if you are charging and using them outside

    Bill got threatened because he was successful, because he was excited and talked a lot and convincingly, because he made a video, and because he was not publicly known. Who exactly did it to him it is not known. His local Police have been informed.

    Stability. Unstable cells are leaky cells. There is no trick to cell stability other than ensuring no leaks, no shorts.

    If you roll your own tubes, stitch weld only at the top, the bottom, and midway in the cylinder. The gap between the un-welded edges is where a lot of the gas and the energy comes away from.

    Scum in your cell caused by leaving normal DC electricity on for too long and can be cured by temporarily reverse charging the cell. Empty the cell and refill with good water. First, connect negative on the outside of the cell and positive on to the middle cylinder for two to three minutes. Then switch your terminals back over for one minute. Empty the container out and all the scum goes with it.

    You can have fun sparking your HT lead into your test cell. See what happens!

    Play your cell music and notes. It may like F sharp!

    Joe’s first conversion was of a Rover 3500-V6, then a Leyland P76 1992.

    Joe can make cells start by willpower!

    You are a cell. You can start yourself!

    Everyone reckons they can improve on the cell construction and implementation. It seems that we all want to be like Frank and say “I did it my way”. That is recipe for a lot of work and very probably no results, yeah but Lots of Fun!
  16. tjm73
    Joined: Feb 17, 2006
    Posts: 3,599


    I'm gonna power my car on black magic. That will show you all.......
  17. Stevie Nash
    Joined: Oct 24, 2007
    Posts: 2,999

    Stevie Nash

    I received the plans from a friend that he ordered on-line. Says that with this water-fuel hybrid, you will only need 1 gallon of water for 300 miles. It is supposed to double your gas mileage. The plans are about 115 pages long. Not sure if I can legally post it since I didn't pay for it....
  18. Tony
    Joined: Dec 3, 2002
    Posts: 7,350


    Let's figure out how to run on spent beer need to fill the tank?? have a beer my friend, you'll have some 'fuel' in no time :)
  19. Double Bass
    Joined: Sep 17, 2006
    Posts: 80

    Double Bass
    from Lebanon

    I power my car on rainbows, chocolate chip cookies and mommy's kisses...
    Doesn't anyone remember these same conversations about cars that run on water in the 70's with the first gas crisis.
  20. autobilly
    Joined: May 23, 2007
    Posts: 3,403


    My friend made one from plans that he down loaded from "The Net". I think it worked/works OK on his Transit Van. but I havn't seen him for a while.
  21. Pir8Darryl
    Joined: Jan 9, 2008
    Posts: 2,487


    Boy!! People do tend to mock what they dont understand!!!

    So tell me, every last one of 'ya nay-sayers, how many browns reactors have you personally built? Tested? Even seen in your lifetime? ........Thought so :rolleyes:

    Did it ever occour to any of you doubters that an engine produces more power than it needs to propell the car down the road?

    Why not harness some of that lost HP to spin the alt a little harder to feed the reactor?

    And then recycle that lost hp back into the engine in the form of HHO to increase efficency?????????????

    Hmmm.... Revolutionary concept here this "recycling lost power".

    Can you power your car 100% on water? Probably not...

    Can you increase your efficency by 3-4 mpg? Probably so.

    Do I know something I'm not telling you? YES I DO.

    Build one yourself and find out, or keep your pie hole shut so as not to discourage the back yard tinkerers.
  22. 53sled
    Joined: Jul 5, 2005
    Posts: 5,817

    from KCMO

    You can increase efficiency with direct diesel injection and a turbo more than with mumbo jumbo. Why don't we use train technology? they can move a million pounds efficiently.

    The only brown reactor here, is me reacting to the bullshit. I drove my chevy to work, and the gas gauge didn't move once.

    Its fucking broken.
  23. BinderRod
    Joined: Jul 9, 2006
    Posts: 1,737


    I hope that no one here figures out how to make this thing work. I bought a shit load of Praxair stock a few years ago for 42.00 per share. Now that gas prices are nuts the stock is going through the roof. It is now at 93.00 per share.
    Praxair is the largest producer of Hydrogen gas in the world. The also signed a deal with GM to supply Hydrogen fuell cells for there new cars in the future. They also opened some Hydrogen pumping stations in California.

    Not trying to drag you down but this stock will be BIG in the future and they will split. A very good way to add to the 401K. Check it out.

    PX is the stock look up for Praxair.
  24. Tony
    Joined: Dec 3, 2002
    Posts: 7,350


    No sir, not mocking or doubting..Just a joke nothing else...
    And no, i'll admit, i don't fully understand the hydrogen cell and probably never will..but i will also admit from what i've read it's one hell of an invention..

  25. 23 bucket-t
    Joined: Aug 27, 2005
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    23 bucket-t

    I am lactose intolerant and if I drink a glass of milk I get a bad case of the farts. I was just wondering if I can use fart gas to run my car has anyone done this. ????
  26. 48fordcoe
    Joined: Feb 18, 2008
    Posts: 113

    from In

    wow you guy are right it don't work .. I did waste alot on it ,but it was fun thinking it might work..time move on ,I like the mouse trap ,I'm going to look in to it ...
  27. tjm73
    Joined: Feb 17, 2006
    Posts: 3,599


    You make a pretty big assumption by assuming we don't understand this idea.

    We do understand this idea. That's the true root cause of the responses.

    Basic physics tells us you don't get out what you put in. Same applies to oil. But it's basically subsidized by the world Gov'ts so it is cheap enough for us to use. Because it has to be.

    Give as much of a "subsidy" to this and watch how fast it's use spreads.
  28. jleavesl
    Joined: Mar 2, 2008
    Posts: 208

    from Houston

    Alright, fuck it.... I'll play.

    I'm not the most mechanically inclined person on the board, that is a given. However, I do have an Electrical Engineering degree and have fucked with a Hydrogen/Electric Hybrid (wrote the software for the Engine Control Unit) and know a little bit about some of this stuff. I'm not spitting this out as gospel, I'm just talking to hear my head rattle... so take all of this with a grain of salt.

    I personally do not believe that the author of this thread is driving a Hydrogen powered vehicle. I say this because he did not mention having to adjust the timing. Since Hydrogen is significantly different than gasoline in it's weight, combustability, and various other properties, you would not get a satisfactory result by just pumping H2 into an engine set up for Gasoline. When timing a car you normally setting your ignition point at a certain degree off of TDC. This degree would be vary between Gasoline and Hydrogen. Even with the timing set correctly you would also lose some horsepower as the force of combusting Hydrogen is less than that of Gasoline.

    Since, to the best of my knowledge, cracking Water into it's elemental components is an energy negative process (meaning it takes more energy than it produces) you would eventually drain your batteries and come to a rest beside the road. Someone above mentioned adding more alternators and such to it, which is a flawed proposal. As the electrical load on a generator is increased, the physical resistance of the generator against turning increases. It's because of this that we cannot light the State of Texas up with an enormous generator connected to a Chevy 350 (hence the massive diesel engines that turn them).

    However, assuming that you are able to crack water into Hydrogen with a reasonable efficiency (meaning that you are not wasting a huge portion of your energy on the byproducts) you could build a H2/Gasoline Hybrid out of a car with fuel injection. It would run on regular H2 until the cracking system drained your battery to about 30%, at which point the cracking system would shut off and you would begin pumping in Gasoline to the engine (the ECU would retime itself) and would continue to run the car until such a time as the batteries were charged up sufficiently to begin cracking water again. You would lose some efficiency out of the gasoline engine due to the additional load of having to charge the cracking system's battery, but you would gain fuel efficiency because you aren't running gasoline when on H2. Seems like it might be an interesting project.

  29. Bort62
    Joined: Jan 11, 2007
    Posts: 594


    ^ finally someone who isn't a fucking idiot!

    Conservation of energy folks, look it up.

    As far as the guy who referenced a nuclear reaction - that is turning mass into energy, which is a whole other realm of physics. Hydrogen production from water does not apply.
  30. jleavesl
    Joined: Mar 2, 2008
    Posts: 208

    from Houston

    Actually, due to the chemical makeup of oil, refining it is a positive energy process (it produces more energy than it requires to refine it).

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