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Am I the only one that don't like the new format ?

Discussion in 'Questions & Suggestions' started by langy, Jul 26, 2014.

  1. langy
    Joined: Apr 27, 2006
    Posts: 5,730

    Member Emeritus

    Seems to be working now, thanks
  2. @langy, good deal; please let me know if you need help with anything else.
  3. Well what do you know? :eek: I didn't realize that any of that information was hyper-linked. I clicked on your location and it took me to a Google Maps page that showed me where Auckland, NZ is. :cool:

    So I guess that you might not want to put your exact home address in there. :rolleyes:
  4. langy
    Joined: Apr 27, 2006
    Posts: 5,730

    Member Emeritus

    Thanks a lot for your time mate
  5. I was one of those who found the new HAMB difficult to use, but, like most humans (maybe especially old car guys) we don't like change. Now I am used to it and find it much more easy to navigate and use, especially for posting pics. Good going, Ryan!
  6. Ryan
    Joined: Jan 2, 1995
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    It's going to get better guys. I've been preoccupied with life and my development schedule has taken a big hit. Once I get straight, I'll get back to work.
  7. Church Key
    Joined: Nov 30, 2004
    Posts: 1,553

    Church Key

    I am starting to get the hang of the new format, but I must say I miss the old HAMB. I think a lot of the problem is with my antique computer, I planned to update soon. One thing I wish we could change is adding a members location in their avatar, and some of the lettering and page numbers are very small. I enjoy this place very much, and thank you for all your hard work.
  8. Hold the cursor over a persons avatar and their location comes up with post count and join date. You can also click on their location and it will hyperlink to Google maps to give you an idea of where they are in the world if you are not familiar with their location. You can also click on their or your post count to see the posts.
  9. Here is a strange one that happened to me today. I received an email notification that someone had started a conversation with me, but when I came to the Hamb, my envelope was not red & there was no new conversation? I was able to read it in my email though.... Any thoughts
  10. Ryan
    Joined: Jan 2, 1995
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    There person decided to leave the conversation before you could read it.
  11. I don't know if it would make much difference, but what operating system are you using? I'm still running Windows XP on an older desktop but most site features seem to be working like they should.

    It might be more likely to be your browser settings, security or firewall settings, whether cookies are enabled or you're keeping Java enabled and updated. Have you done an antivirus or spyware scan lately?

    I don't think it's required to add your location to your member information. Some folks just like to stay off the radar.
    Last edited: Aug 9, 2014
  12. fleet-master
    Joined: Sep 29, 2010
    Posts: 1,780


    I'm another whos hardly here used to be my favourite forum by FAR
  13. fleet-master
    Joined: Sep 29, 2010
    Posts: 1,780


    I've just been trying to find the page I was up to on the Vintage Shots thread and gave up...can't even read the page numbers at top or bottom..and I've got excellent eyesight!! I'd give my left nut for the old hamb !!!
  14. I have the same issue with the Vintage Shots thread. Sometimes it doesn't seem to be able to find your first unread post if it's more than a week or two old. Other threads can act this way too. I think it might be a matter of a lot of new posts being made over a short time period.

    The page numbers, or most numbers in the body of a post for that matter, can be hard to read. I don't think the typeface being used helps matters. Don't forget that on most browsers you can hold the Ctrl button and roll the wheel on your mouse to zoom in and out of the page. This works better on some browsers than others.
  15. Church Key
    Joined: Nov 30, 2004
    Posts: 1,553

    Church Key

  16. gimpyshotrods
    Joined: May 20, 2009
    Posts: 23,769


    You can change the size of the text on any website, including this one, with a couple of keystrokes.

    On a PC: shift - for smaller, shift + for bigger.

    Posted using the Full Custom H.A.M.B. App!
  17. echnidna
    Joined: Aug 26, 2009
    Posts: 64

    from Australia

    I used to visit the Hamb a couple of times a day for years -
    now I drop in maybe once or possibly twice a month and don't see much of interest.
    luckily there are some nice friendly forums in other places
  18. Scrolling takes forever.
    Stuff is harder to find.
    PM's are an impossibility.
    The site is harder to read.
    Warm and fuzzy is not the way to go on a traditional hot rod site.
    The above reasons explain why my HAMB time is down about 95%.
    It was great before. Too bad it changed.
  19. I can....and do appreciate.....the idea of making anything better.....but I just have not enjoyed the site since the upgrade.
    I come to view classifides mostly and now when I put in "409" I get all sorts of stuff......pages of it with nothing to do with what I am looking for. Sometimes I get a response that there are no matches....but try again later and there they are.
    I used to get on each night to look around the not so much....I will try to learn the new system and I hope as I get used to it then I will be more comfortable. do a great job, but I really liked the old site better.
  20. abc123
    Joined: Oct 6, 2005
    Posts: 458


    I, too, disliked the H.A.M.B. board after the makeover. Unlike many, I still dislike it. Those hangy-down things with icons on them look really ___ (three-letter word that isn't politically correct but I can't think of any other description for them). After the makeover, all of the photos I had posted in a thread showed only little blue question marks so I stopped posting more. Last week I went back and re-linked many of them (all were from my album, not an outside photo hosting source). When I go to those pages, everybody else's photos load almost immediately while it takes minutes for mine to become visible.

    Today, I figured I'd try to get with the program and post a new photo so I logged in and went to my albums. I couldn't find a clue about how to upload a new photo to one of them. It was easy to upload photos before the makeover. I then poked around the site trying to find "help" with how to do it. Nothing useful could be found. The one "help" page that I could find gave information like how to add smiley faces to posts.
  21. Did you see the "sticky" for the tutorials? All the info is in there!

    We're working on getting the gallery pics re-linked to threads...if you need some help, send me a message.
  22. I'm glad I'm not the only one. Almost all the threads that I watch are now dormant, where they used to be almost daily updates. I always felt my time was better off spent somewhere but on here and with the new format it got me out in the garage a lot more. Not being tech savvy, computer skills are marginal at best, I'll go back to what I know and move on from here. About the only time I do spend on here is at work on 3rd shift, it breaks up the night. Later, Scruff...

    P.S. on a side note, I did manage to find Germ on Facebook and he's doing well.
  23. Ryan
    Joined: Jan 2, 1995
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    @milwscruffy @Dogger @JimSig

    Fellas, this is my fault entirely. After the new site launched, I formed a production schedule in an effort line out a lot of the concerns I've seen in this thread. However, life got in the way of that schedule and I've shifted my priorities to things that are much more important to me than the HAMB or old cars - family.

    This is not an excuse. It's an explanation.

    Anyway, many of these fixes have gone unmanaged which have, of course, bubbled into other issues. As it sits, the site is completely usable and in a lot of ways a lot better than what we had. However, there are some changes and fixes that need to be made in an effort to cater to the less digitally inclined. I know that... and hope I can get back into a groove of working soon.

    lothiandon1940 and Jeff Norwell like this.
  24. I have been an Alliance member for a few years. Enjoyed the HAMB. Do not get on the HAMB much since the change. I do not enjoy the HAMB as much as before the change. I am still a member but did not renew my Alliance membership. I am not on the HAMB as much as before. I am an old guy and resist change. Time will tell.
  25. corncobcoupe
    Joined: May 26, 2001
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    I'm sorry but it's hard for me to read Ryan writing sorry for anything under recent family circumstances.

    Fellas - no one appreciates your constructive input more than Ryan does.
    The guy lives and breathes the HAMB second to family which is the way it should always be.
    I ask you fellas to stick around and understand that all of this is a work in progress and I have 100% percent confidence that Ryan will keep tweekin' the changes ( like getting a tenth on the drag strip from tweekin' some timing and points adjustment ) to make it easy to click and find anything.
    Change isn't always easy and I'm older than most of you fellas........ and I'm getting it figured out and fine.
    Like I said Ryan lives and breaths the HAMB second to family and in my own way I'm asking you guys to understand the importance of family.
    Nothing EVER stays the same or it dies as we do, and change sometimes isn't easy and takes time to get comfy with.
    So the picture screen changed, so you have to learn some new buttons. Think of it as Flathead to OHV........
    I'm asking you older fellas to stick around as you ARE needed to share your history and knowledge to keep Traditional Hot Rods and Customs alive and to never die.
    Last edited: Aug 20, 2014
  26. Well said Cob.

    You guys that are having issues, please don't hesitate to contact any one of the staff...we're here to help.
    lothiandon1940 and Jeff Norwell like this.
  27. No need for anyone to be sorry, it's my own damn fault I'm not as tech savvy as I now need to be for this site. Hell, I've never owned a cell phone for that matter. I've got my 87 year old Father living with me , with a bad heart and lungs, so I fully understand the family side of things. All I was trying to convey is there are a fair amount of us on here that don't have the computer skills that you take for granted to navigate here now.
  28. To be honest very few of the features take any different skills to navigate than they did before. Other than being located in a different place or called a different thing most work exactly like they did before. Most of the "problems" seem to be ones of perception once guys start explaining what they are having issues with rather than just the blanket it's harder or it doesn't work it is pretty easy to point guys in the right direction and show them that it is not that much different in operation.
  29. Jeff Norwell
    Joined: Aug 20, 2003
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    Jeff Norwell
    Staff Member

    It's just a new hotrod with more horsepower,better traction and does killer burnouts….
    Drive it a few miles and you will like it.
    lothiandon1940 likes this.

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