Some months ago, I started a thread here asking for all the brand names covered by the Hoffman Group. From memory, a partial list of brands included Helix, American Shifter, Zirgo fans, Keep It Clean Wiring, and I don't remember who else (I suffer from CRS.) For a fairly complete list, do a search and look for my list. When the subject of cheaply made Chinese crap comes up, why is Harbor Freight not discussed? Is there a no-fly zone over them?
Add AutoLoc, Vintage Reproduction Parts, Aurora gauges and Trigger Horns to the Hoffman list of crap companies.
Pick up any magazine and you will see multiple full page adverts from them with all the products listed by the posters above this post.
Wake up "AMERICA" buy what America builds its up to us the people to change all this out sourcing crap.I aint no saint but I sure am looking at everything I buy
Yeah I emailed the company and they pretty much said designed,assembled and sold in the USA and in fine print said made at their factory in china. Which is funny because technically if u buy the kit, YOU assemble it onto your trans. So, mostly simliar design, cheaply made in china, sold to suckers in USA for more profit, and assembled by you. Makes sense if your at the top of that biz
They should be marketed as AMERICAN SHITTER if Hoffman Group have anything to do with it. They are here in Australia now, absolutely hopeless to deal with and should be avoided at all costs.... If you want a poor quality product cheap, buy it direct out of Hong Kong Just out of interest, i see Goodguys have dropped their ads in the last 2 issues of the Gazette, hopefully the writing is on the wall for these shonky pricks !
So is Gennie back in production? What are the benefits over Lokar? I have used Lokar and B&M too. I just want a shifter that works and will not require a second mortgage to buy
Let's not start this crap again. Products made anywhere are made to the specs the manufacturer orders. "Made in USA" doesn't guarantee it won't be garbage if that's the specifications that were supplied. You have to look at each product on it's own merits. There are plenty of top quality, well made products from all around the world. Japanese electronics, German instruments,for instance, just to name two areas. FWIW, the spelling and grammar check on your computer was "made in the USA". You might want to check that out.
I was at Spencer gifts when that place got raided back in the day at Rushmore Mall in South Dakota. I though i did something wrong and one of the officers said where is all the vibrators? Me and my ex wife were on the ground laughing.
Exactly, im not a supporter of Chinese made shit but a hell of a lot of US companys are getting their stuff built in China to their specs, Just bought some Loctite the other day only to find its now made in China,as disappointing as it is to see this iconic US company selling out by sourcing overseas is that going to stop all you guys from buying one of the best brands out there?? In saying that when buying car parts for me its only US brands, I will avoid buying on price, cause as you know usually you pay for what you get!!
I'll freely admit that I've had no experience with Hoffmann Group products so I won't comment on their quality. I will say however that I've unsubscribed to their email marketing list well in excess of 40 times and they just won't go away! Arnold.
It's kind of hard to maintain respect for all those who rationalize buying stuff made by slaves. ( I know where my computer came from, but sometimes, like with shifters, we have a choice.)