Last night sheriff Andy asked Aunt Bea if he could borrow her '55 Sunliner convertible to run Opie over to some rich kids mansion in another part of town. That Sunliner is the balls! It was done up in black suede with a red and white Naugahyde interior. I think the purposely dull paint on it is to kill reflection for filming purposes. It still had that bitchin' black primer look to it though. I noticed it still had the dent in the right quarter from his earlier encounter with a tree in their front yard. It added nicely to it's patina. A lot of nice 50's and 60' cars on that show. The women are pretty cool too.
We watch the show almost everytime it is on TV land. We love to watch what is going on in the background. My favorite ride is the 60's Ford woody wagon. Very kool!!
Remember the episode with Otis in the roadster? That was a sweet ride! I can't remember if Otis' character was sloshed while driving or not.Not a good example for a clean cut bunch like us?
A lot of nice 50's and 60' cars on that show. The women are pretty cool too yeah... Aunt Bea give me a chubby
Sawdust in the Tranny. Right? If I remember correctly, I think Ford sponsered the show. Ford is mentioned in the closing credits. Jeff
I remember the episode when Gomer or Goober was teaching Aunt Bee to drive the convertible! Priceless.
I've probably seen every episode ever made.... my 2 favorite cars are: 1. Otis the drunk buys a car.. a 34 Ford Cabriolet! You can hear the flatty running too. 2. In various episodes they use a 38 Ford convertible in the background, or use it for some of the main characters of the episode... I remember two chicks form out of town were speeding in it when Barney caught them....
Here is a site that has alot of the cars. Show.html Gary
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In real life Andy was a serious Model A collector. Not sure how he is doing with that now as he isn't getting around to good. He came to Lockhart (Tx) a few years ago and got to talk to him about the show and cars. Real nice guy and loves to talk old times. I've been watching the show as long as I can remember. Leave it to Beaver too. Lots of lessons learned on those shows. Mikey "I'd rather be watching the Andy Griffith show."
I'll never forgive Andy for not hooking up with Barbara Eden instead of "Crump the Frump!"(But,then again,she did dress up in those jammies and t her own show?) That gal that came "home" for the class reunion and the skeet-shooting champion were hot too!
I like the one when Barney bought the surplus motorcycle with the sidecar. If I can get the remote from the wife I watch Andy back to back, gets me through the 6:00 news.
Wow, this thread is awesome. I always feel like such a geek flipping TV Land on at 8 oclock to watch the Andy Griffith show. Guess I'm not the only one. I love all those old shows, Leave It to Beaver too.
It was Briscoe Darling, I believe. And if I'd been Andy, I would have gone after Ellie Walker, the new druggist in town. "just jump in where ya can, and hang on" Listen to it here:
The only problem watching the old shows on TV Land is they cut a lot of the good stuff out. I have all 168 episodes of Andy on DVD. I know, I got too much time on my hands. Alert... TV Land will be bringing us a new reality show in June called "How'd you get so rich" with Joan Rivers. Mmm, looks like champagne wishes and caviar nightmares. Might be better than the Cougar or High School reunion. Maybe we''ll see some rich hot rodders on there.
Did y'all ever see the Leave it to Beaver where Wally scores a '36 ford coupe an his idiot buddies blow it apart in the driveway? How bout Lumpys '40 ragtop with wide whites? Another episode costarred T.V. Tommy Ivo as some high school bigshot. Some days I actually get my fat ass off the couch an work on hot rods.
Hey Goober do his Carey Grant imitation....go ahead Goob..... I laughed so hard I thought I'd split a gut!!