Here's a couple I saved off the net. I know nothing about the details but I could use some parts off these...
One thing I always thought was cool about the wrecks was cars you don't normally see and the people and and cars in the background. A time gone by.
I don't remember the name but there is a good website that has a lot of wrecks, service stations, dealerships etc.. I wish I could remember that site. Many pics and alot of different stuff on there.
I have a book full of them at home. Title is something like Vintage Car Wrecks, and a year range. a quick Googling found it
I have a book simply called "Old car wrecks" its 200 pages of pics. I dont have a scanner so if you have other ideas ill put up some pics.
Here is one of my coffee table books "Car Crashes and Other Sad Stories". This book is full of great(and sad) pictures of car wrecks. Its pretty morbid as it shows bodies hanging out of cars, under cars, train wrecks with cars, some customs and rods also. I believe it is still available to buy. Great book though.
In the first picture of the James Dean wreck, am I seeing things or is there a head on the ground by the foot of the second guy on the left????
It looks like a head because it is a head - it's Dean's passenger Rolf Wütherich lying on his stomach looking at the stretcher they're about to lift him onto.
I have some old wreck photos. Here is one for the rodders-32 ended up inside a grocery store-yikes. I had a bunch more,that I can`t find at the moment. Some of them were pretty grusome with the victims not even covered up. Always a crowd of gawkers no matter how bad it is smiling away..... I have a few more that I did find,I`ll post them. People have been crashing cars since the first ones hit the roads in the late 1800s These are from the 20s. Looks like someone got a T upside down... 1920s Body construction didn`t hold together in a bad wreck. Chrysler Product in bad shape.
My wife's folks rolled Her aunt was pregnant and thrown out the rear window but everybody was OK. It is a different aunt and uncle with a friend in the photo. The other side and rear had most of the damage but I always liked this photo showing the convertible with it.
James was only doing 50-55mph. He had the sun to his back and the silver car was hard to see. A big Buick didn't see James and turned into his lane hitting head on. You can see in the picture James tried to avoid the car.
"Hard to know what the other guy is going to do." Yeah I almost got the same thing James Dean did yesterday when an old lady waited until I got Juuuust close enough before she pulled out across in front me going slow as a turtle-fun times....
I have the same book sitting on my desk right now. One of my friends bought it for me thinking it was just old car, she didn't know it was dead people too. A little creepy but fascinating at the same time. Favorite pic is a train track and a foot. So much meaning in one photo frame.
I always thought that was his head and it creeped me out too. I wish we could get a definitive answer. How eerie!