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another shot of the pickup wrapped around the pole. http://www.flickr.com/photos/81918828@N00/2301366084/
Interesting to see how the old cars reacted to different accidents. Makes you realize how much the bodies and frames differ from the cars of today.
there was a pic posted in a different thread of a 50's crash that had a dead women still in the car but her leg was cut off laying in the street. The pic gave me the creeps.
I have a few that have not been posted, I'll have to scan them. I also think about how 30's era cars hold up in bad wrecks every time I drive mine. It can be a little unnerving, but I just try to stay focused on driving and watching all the other morons on the road.
Here it is for the people that don't want to click the link. Cherry & Jensen Fresno-early-1960s by Lance & Cromwell (offline for Christmas), on Flickr I know how you feel, when I drive my 31 Pontiac I have wondered if I will survive an accident caused by one one the idiots out there, I mean the car is half wood like all GM's were in the 30's, they are weak and offer basically no protection at all.
This accident happened about 3 yrs ago. The 57 Chevy 4 dr Hardtop was hit almost head on by the Buick,both travaling about 30 mph. The 57 was repaired (new frame and nose) but the Buick was totaled. Surprising to look at the damage to both cars to see how well the Buick took the hit.
That's the weak point of a 50s car. An offset impact. The area of the fenders don't have much more than sheet metal.If it was hit head on, nose to nose, the buick would be pulverized. Today's cars are designed to resist offset impacts, because those are the most frequent type of head-on collisions. The designers learned from the past.
Geesh.. reminds me of this IIHS 59 crash test footage.. <iframe width="420" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/joMK1WZjP7g" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
I took this picture of the James Dean Memorial at Chalome, CA in 1988. The Memorial was built by a Japanese fella and is made of stainless steel. The car is Norm Hill's 47 Ford custom from Napavine, WA. Mike Hosted on Fotki
Whenever I start to wonder how safe I am in my '57 some organ donor blows by me on a bike without a brain bucket, and I figure that at least I'm safer than that guy.
It's amazing the way the GM wood-bodied cars from the 20's and 30's, in these photos, just seem to come apart when they're hit.
Not quite vintage, but an old truck wrecked, 10/21/11. Didn't get a picture of the car that turned in front of me. I was rolling down the road @ 30 and don't think I touched the brake before I hit her head on. Before & after. Probably not going to fix it. Needs a frame, front clip, and a transmission, and other stuff. Gene
Rekon someones been pulling your cock mate, if your gulable enough to beleive that they are the ones having the laugh.
This is a Vintage Crashes Photo-Filled small book with interesting twists! It's a cool little book to check out. http://www.ebay.com/itm/Crash-Twist...255?pt=US_Nonfiction_Book&hash=item5643ee58e7
Wht a shame, too bad you're so far away, I'd give you my spare frame to see it back on the road... that or buy the cab off of it, I really want the pilot house cab for my 52 shortbox.
Looks are deceiving, the blue truck is on an 80 Dodge 4x4 frame. I could find another frame locally, but that truck has been my year around driver for the past 11 years, its time for me to move on. To repair it would be almost starting over, and I don't have to room or equipment (or ambition) I had 12 years ago. Rebuilding it now would be a pita. I'll probably part it out next summer, ain't nothing happening until then, its cold outside where I'd have to work on it, and I'm getting too old & lazy. Gene
Found these on 11 foot 8 a website devoted to trucks hitting low bridges... this internet thing might catch on, it has everything!