Nice collection. The 1963 AHRA Winter Championship album is the only "hot rod" album I ever bought. Well, except for the 45's Hot Rod Lincoln and Stick Shift by the Duals. But records? I started buying records when I was in 7th grade back in the late 50's.
Six 'new' albums to add to the stack. Keep your eyes peeled for a supercoolâ„¢ new project coming soon from Casa De Muttley.................available soon in the classified section.
Brother,does this thread bring back some memories.I used to help a friend that had the local jukebox service franchise.If only I knew then what I know now.We used to take the old 45`s to the local dump by the 1/2 ton pickup load. Good luck.Have fun.Be safe. Leo
Great vinyl collection! I loved that Ventures album cover so much I researched the car and built my own model of it!
@Pair-a-Dice Road if you look back on pg. 3 post #90 my post of the Hal Blaine'll see the same car
Can I throw my hat in the ring? I have a nice little collection, although my main focus is on garage/ punk 45s and 7". I have some stuff with really cool hot rod themed artwork, as well as some of the classics that you guys have already posted. Sent from my iPad using The H.A.M.B. mobile app
More than a few familiar drag albums. Some days I regret selling off my collection. Hold on to them guys!
I had some "car themed" that others have shown. Collected for 30 years starting in the early 1970's for my listening pleasure. My collection was mainly 1950's thru 1980's rock and country & western. About 7000 lp's with very few duplicates. This is 1/2 the collection, the other 1/2 is to the left of the fireplace. I played these all the time but after digital downloads became available I no longer did. Guy I sold them to in 2004 opened a record store in Eugene, OR. He drove a 3/4 ton cargo van that was really squatting after we loaded it. I still have about 100 mint early rock n roll 45's in picture sleeves.
Flying Caduceus jet car, Mickey Thompson's Challenger 1, a Ford 6 cyl rail job. IN STEREO! There's history in them thar grooves. And when cranked up it scares the dogs and annoys the neighbors....