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Anybody goin to the Lambrecht Chevrolet auction?

Discussion in 'The Hokey Ass Message Board' started by clean cut creations, Jun 5, 2013.

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  1. Southern Motors
    Joined: Dec 29, 2008
    Posts: 34

    Southern Motors

    I for one would love to go to this auction, but it's so darn far away that I really just don't have the time to spend two days driving each way. It is ususual that the auctioneer has such a restrictive inspection schedule, one day only - the Friday before it starts on Saturday. Leads me to believe that the cars are mighty rough, but still they would be interesting to see, where are you likely to see that many 1950's and 60's cars unrestored in one place?

    Someone up that way could make a nice commission inspecting cars for people who could only bid via the internet.

    Lots of unanswered questions about those cars.
  2. jesse1980
    Joined: Aug 25, 2010
    Posts: 1,355


    There's gonna be guys with deep pockets there for sure. I won't be able to compete with them, otherwise i would load up my trailer and stop out there.
  3. Not in my view. It's hot in summer, cold in winter, and damp as heck in between. Cars parked in the grass will be exposed to tremendous moisture, rusting them out from underneath. There will be plenty of rodent and varmint damage. Also, the weather sealing in cars of this era was less than perfect, so cars will have filled up with water multiple times over the years, draining only over time. In the doors, for example.

    My prediction is that a few of the cars left outdoors will be surprisingly good, but many will be nightmares. Check out the '59 Chevy Bel Air here, third photo down...

    Update: The Lambrecht Chevrolet Collection | Mac's Motor City

  4. Fenders
    Joined: Sep 8, 2007
    Posts: 3,921


    That is weird, you can already bid online and they tell you the high bid, and the live auction is weeks away.
    Never seen that before.....

    Well it saves you a trip if the car you want goes over your price online before you leave home.
  5. it is sort of curious... I wonder if the auction days in Pierce will have an anti-climactic feel as a result.
  6. Pops1532
    Joined: Jun 19, 2011
    Posts: 544

    from Illinois

    What they show isn't necessarily the highest pre bid. What they show is what something has been competitively bid to.

    Bidder 1 could have placed a bid for $2000 on an item but the high bid will only show the minimum bid amount until other bids are placed. The auctioneer determines what the minimum or opening online bid has to be (they also have a reserve but that's based on scrap price and in this case they'll say what the reserve is at the auction). I'm not sure but I think they had a $25 opening bid on proxibid so until a second bid is placed Bidder 1 would show as high bidder with a $25 bid. Say Bidder 2 comes along and bids $500. Bidder 1 would still have the high bid, but the high bid would show as $525 (assuming a $25 bid increment). Bidder 1 would hold the high bid until the competitive bids exceed his $2000 bid.
    This system is very common with online auctions.

    Yes, seeing the competitive high bid prior to the auction could save someone a trip, but most items will receive higher bids in the live auction. I suspect most attendees won't be interested in just one car.
  7. Pops1532
    Joined: Jun 19, 2011
    Posts: 544

    from Illinois

    I doubt it....
    I'm not sure how it is with car auctions but some well known collectibles auctioneers have told me that the combined competitive online bids just prior to the start of the live auction often represent 30-35% of what the auction will gross. Friends that have sold their petroliana collections at auction confirm that.
    It will be interesting to see what this sale brings in. I'm not saying this auction will bring in triple what the pre bids are, but I wouldn't be surprised. Condition issues aside, it's obvious the ultra low mile/never titled cars have a lot of interest.
    Either way there will be a bunch of people on this and other forums that didn't attend, or have any intention of buying, complaining about the prices.
    Last edited: Sep 10, 2013
  8. spiderdeville
    Joined: Jun 30, 2007
    Posts: 1,134

    from BOGOTA,NJ

    those 396 impalas are sweet
  9. Interesting, thanks for the info.
  10. Roger Walling
    Joined: Sep 26, 2010
    Posts: 1,149

    Roger Walling

    Highest bid is $35,000 for a Corvette, but there are many bargains for less than $50. Some things are only bid up to $.10.

    My question is, what do you do with a car with 1.3 miles on it? Push it backwards onto the trailer to keep the miles low?
  11. crashfarmer
    Joined: Apr 4, 2006
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    from Iowa

  12. Chevy55
    Joined: Nov 6, 2008
    Posts: 409

    from Nebraska

    Been watching the proxibid for a while on this sale and decided to skip the auction. 1955 Chevy 210 2dr sedan with no front floor pan for $18750!!!! Something fishy going on with that one.
  13. I wish they'd hold this auction already, I'm kind of tired of hearing about it.
  14. pbajeff
    Joined: Jan 1, 2009
    Posts: 8

    from 79065

    Well, I did not know they were going to start an online auction to pre-empt the actual auction. Kind of seems to me like it would be a let down of sorts.

    Any way, we are still going to make the 650 mile trip just to see it. I am like several others here - I want to see what all else is sitting around and make my own observations of the cars.

    Anyone wants a first hand report on a car, I should be there sometime mid day Friday.
  15. partsdawg
    Joined: Feb 12, 2006
    Posts: 3,707

    from Minnesota

    Got this info from the VanDerBrinks in a email.
    Just posting it to clear up some rumors.

    We have some more updates for you on our auctions. First Some Exciting News! The History Channel will be taping the Lambrecht Collection Auction! We have been working with them since in August- It's very exciting. I want to address a couple rumors that have been circulating about the Lambrecht Auction .
    1. There is no Charge for Admission
    2. There is no Charge for a bidding number, BUT YOU MUST QUALIFY. It is not hard and these are the payment options. US Funds Cash, Credit Card only to 10K and with 4% ADM fee, A personal or Business Check ONLY with proof of funds. This can be a letter from the bank, statement, phone, ATM slip, you just have to prove you can write that check.
    3. There IS a 5% ON-SITE Buyer's premium and there is an 8% ON-LINE buyer's premium. Payment in FULL DAY OF SALE- EACH DAY you settle up at the end of each day in full.
    4. Parking is on personal property and there will be a charge for parking. IF the beans get out- yeah!
    5. VanDerBrink Auction will have FREE Truck and Trailer Parking at the Fairgrounds with shuttle service.
    Here are the places to Park or call for reservations to Park-
    Lynn Moeller- 402-750-4824 also camper parking
    Pierce Community Golf Course- ON Website under Bidder info
    Rick's Repair- 402-329-4650 (also camping)
    The Riedels- Parking-Camping- 402-329-6387
    Rooms for Rent- Pierce, NE-4023-750-5863
    The Youngs- Camper Parking- Pierce, NE 402-329-4466
    Room/Home for rent in Pierce, NE- 402-841-8064
    Holly & Ed- Camping-Pierce, NE- 402-329-6774
    The Steele- Camper Parking and Parking in Pierce, NE- 402-679-2470
    Apartment in Randolph, NE and Camping- 402-369-2326
    Campers & Hook -Camping- 402-992-0814
    Jerry's Campers- rent new campers and help you- 402-371-1306
    Parking- Ron 402-329-4637
    There is more at Kelly's Storage Units
    Bed & Breakfast in Pierce, NE- 402-649-2254

    Click Here for Day 1 Inventory Lambrecht Auction!
    Click Here for Day 2 Lambrecht Inventory!

    1. There are NOT a lot of parts and they WILL be sold on the first Day at the beginning of the auction and at the end of the first day.
    2. The Gates open at 6:30 for Auction Days.
    3. Preview is Sept. 27th from 8:30 till 8PM
    s, memorabilia, special items, MSO cars, and start of projects.
    5. Sunday we will start with Specialty tools and sell the remainder of the vehicles.
    6. You may remove parts from your cars and leave the bodies-be clean. You can also take the whole car- we encourage that. YOU MAY NOT buy or try to buy parts off cars that may be sold to the crusher. Once they are declared SOLD they are SOLD. If you want parts- you must by the whole car.
    7. Loading will be available Sat. Sun. after the auctions are over each Day. $20.00/ car to load.
    8. NO EARLY PREVIEW prior to Friday Sept. 27th, 2013!!
    9. There will be food and porta pots.
    10. Parking will be at private places like the Pierce County Golf Course, Rick's Repair, and 2 other neighbors and Truck and Trailer parking at the Fairgrounds-FREE. We will shuttle you. IF THE BEANS ARE OUT- WE HAVE PARKING ONSITE!!
    Handicap parking available onsite- WITH TAG- or best is call the Golf Course- they have best and closest parking. Pierce Community Golf Course is right next door.

    There is on-site and on-line bidding available on all auctions. for online bidding.
    We hope you all have fun and see you at the auction.

    We are selling the Saturday in the order listed. The Cameo is the First Vehicle to Sell!!!
  16. crashfarmer
    Joined: Apr 4, 2006
    Posts: 1,285

    from Iowa

  17. Pops1532
    Joined: Jun 19, 2011
    Posts: 544

    from Illinois

  18. Bump! Thanks for the info.
  19. sodakmini
    Joined: Jun 28, 2011
    Posts: 517


    I will be heading down with 3 other friends... our only question is any idea of which vehicles are titled>?? don't see any were on the discriptions if they are or not... stupid question??
  20. F&J
    Joined: Apr 5, 2007
    Posts: 13,279


    Contact the auction company through their website.

    I did see mention that the new cars are still under "MSO" so they won't have a title. You need to ask if "all" of the new cars still have the "Manufacturers Statement of Origin". Maybe some were lost or misplaced.

    Same would be true for titles on the used car trade-ins. Some may, some may not. Call, rather than assume anything.
  21. Pops1532
    Joined: Jun 19, 2011
    Posts: 544

    from Illinois

    I don't think it will be a let down. More like a jumping off point. It's obvious the low mile/never titled stuff will bring crazy money.
    The majority of the vehicles are project or parts cars. There could be some decent buys. Transportation costs could keep the prices down.

    Someone asked about the restrictive preview times. My guess is security is a concern.
  22. Southern Motors
    Joined: Dec 29, 2008
    Posts: 34

    Southern Motors

    I emailed them about titles on the used cars yesterday, but so far have heard nothing. Looks like Lambrecht kept everything, so I would hope they have them.
  23. Someone said (?) that some of the cars may have their VIN plates removed. Any truth to that?
  24. Southern Motors
    Joined: Dec 29, 2008
    Posts: 34

    Southern Motors

    The only thing I have seen mentioned is that Lot #4K, the 1964 Chevy wagon that is "new" in the description says this: "The window sticker is in the car. The VIN Tag in the door Jam has fallen off. Window Sticker matches Title and Invoice." With 2 weeks to go until it sells, it has been bid up to $6000. so far.

  25. VIN tags don't fall off. Why would a dealership remove the VINs? Maybe so if someone broke into the shop and stole the car they couldn't register it? That's the only reason I could see.
  26. Yep, the SS Impalas and the 60-66 trucks are what I would be most interested in.

  27. The tag could fall off if the body rusted out. A possibility. Or maybe a VIN was removed because the car was written off for some reason, for example transportation damage. I don't know any of these things, only tossing out suggestions.
  28. F&J
    Joined: Apr 5, 2007
    Posts: 13,279


    Well, in 1968 or 69, The stainless steel vin tag DID fall off of my 1964 Malibu SS. The spot welds must have been weak, as there was not too much rust behind the tag on a 4-5 year old car.
  29. Mr48chev
    Joined: Dec 28, 2007
    Posts: 35,191


    The Vin may have been removed by a factory rep if the vehicle had damage or issues that might keep it from being sold as a new rig. That tri 5 pickup that everyone was looking at that had roof damage may have been damaged on the convoy truck.
    If the car happened to be damaged in shipping or have another issue that couldn't be easily taken care of the factory rep removed the vin tag and the car was usually donated to a school shop or trade school. GM donated two of them to My program in the 13 years that I taught high school automechanics. It helped that the local dealer was a high school classmate of mine and on my advisory board though.
  30. Maybe in those days they wrote off transport damaged cars (unlikely, given the cost, but I wasn't there), but I personally installed a new roof panel on a brand-new Dodge Caravan in 2002 that had been damaged in transit. I believe in that particular instance, the dealer's check-in person had not looked at the roof prior to signing off on the delivery, so they had no recourse against the carrier.

    I'd say the Cameo is just another example of Mr Lambrecht's person idiosyncrasies, that he'd sit on it rather than sell a repaired vehicle....after all this is a guy that would rathole new "last year's models" to sell this year's.
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