We are looking to move to either southern Indiana or around Kentucky somewhere. I will be building hot rods out of my home now... How's the hot rod community around your area? More importantly, how are the people? Friendly? We're looking to live in the country somewhere that I can build a pole barn or transform some old building... Come on, sell me on your area!
Well, if you are close to Cincinnati, we have a decent car-scene here. Also have a mostly Hamber's club.
I live close to Jasper, Indiana. Home of Jasper Engines and Air Ride Technologies, not rods shops per se that I know of but we are roughly in between of Louisville and Evansville. The people here are very friendly and has that small town ethic which I love.
How's the housing market there? I'm looking for inexpensive and weird, but aren't we all.... Isn't the Pumpking run or something like that close to there? I've heard good things about that run. What's a good area to look at around Cinci?
40vert, that's what I'm looking for: friendly people and small town atmoshere. How's the housing market there? What areas are good?
if you are thinking IN.up around Milan IN on or around rt 350 are some nice spots.decent housing alot of land for the money if you look around.not sure how much land you looking for. to me a nice place with a barn is 15 acres or more.if you are looking for just a couple acres I can get you pretty close to the car action.Indiana is alot cheaper than the KY or Cincy area.and you can do just about anything you want to do there.people are very nice .feels like you stepped back in time,slow paced.but not alot of car guys you would have to drive about 45 minutes to get the the greater Cincy area for the show swaps and cruise ins.If you are thinking of Ky there is still some nice land that runs off AA hwy.around Bracken County.if you want land and want to do what you want ,without the city breathing down your neck ,thats where you want to be.still about 45 minute drive to get into the greater Cincy area.you have to stay away from some of the cities that are growing up.they want you to get a permit to do anything ,unless you get out in the country a bit.if I can help you out by sending you some listings let me know.tell me what you are looking for acres ,house ect ect and a email and I'll see what I can find.I've been looking for some land so I'm up on it a bit
Hey, Guess what..I have 8 acres with a 40X80 building that was a shop and a partically build 2-story house (under roof). It is within a hundred miles of the following cities: Louisville, KY (75); Indianapolis,IN (100) and Cincinnati, OH (100). It's just about 150 miles to Evansville, IN. It is in rural Southern Indiana which is about 25 miles West of I-65 or Seymour, IN and 5 miles south of US 50. Neighbors are friendly, mind their own business but look out for each other. There are salvage yards, dirt tracks and a new casino here in Southern Indiana. I do have some pics if you are interested. Just send me your email address and I can send them out. If you have any other questions, just PM me. kb cookout ...Ed
Right across the Ohio state line from Cincinnati in Indiana is pretty nice. Still some very open, inexpensive areas. Pumpkin Run in October gets cars from all over. Nice get together every year. Within 1/2 driving is Cincy. Indianapolis about 1 1/2 hrs. Depending on what kind of cars / shows you're into, the Street Rod Nat's would be about 1 hr, Good Guys Columbus 2hrs, drag boat races in Madison, IN about 1hr... 51FourDoor
even out in my part of the county....you still have the permit issues.....if you want something affordable.....stay out of kenton county....lol acreage in southern part is getting out of hand....6 acres is avalible across the street from where i work ......for 185k.....a few affordable places....depending on how picky you are.....the whole northern ky area as a whole , is getting crowded.....and a lot of people move to country ....then complain .....about everything......the farm across the street from my house was sold this past summer......never heard the bottom line....but it was close to a million.....all i can hope for , is that a 100 houses don't spring up .......brandon
forgot to mention......you can do a little searching.... www.nkmls.com good sight to look for listings.....better deals can be found driving around ....a lot of for sale by owners in my area....a lot of repo houses too.....when i was doing my house this summer , a realtor called and was saying there were over 200 forclosed houses in the boone , kenton & campbell counties.....might be worth a look also.....brandon
wow, thanks for the info! I'll be getting back with you guys! Lot's of good info... Now to start processing, find a place and start lowering property values!
www.sibcycline.com has a ton of listings as well for Cincinnati, they even let other realtors list their houses there, so it's almost complete. I wouldn't rule out living closer to the city, the west side in particular has lots of open space and nice sized lots with the convenience of being 20 minutes from downtown. Hell, I live IN the city 8 minutes from downtown and have never had problems with either noise complaints or outdoor car storage complaints city-wise AND I boughtt a 2300 sq ft house with a 2car garage/driveway/fenced yard for $65k, it even has central air and new windows. Honestly, I think a lot of the yuppies who've moved to the country to escape the city are making life worse on car enthusiasts than the people who live around me. The people who live around my dad's house in the Northern suburbs are bitching about the coyotes preventing them from being able to put their pets in the yard overnight on their huge, wooded lots. Maybe they shouldn't live in the country...
funny you mention that.....my in laws neighbor woke up one night....went to get something to drink out of the fridge, thought he heard something on their car port .....ended up being a pack of coyotes out there.....at the door.....said he about pissed himself.....lol brandon