If You Are And Ever Went To The Big-m/ Belair Drive-in For The Car Shows And Swap Meets, Rumour Has It That The Owner Past Away And The Land Has Been Sold. I Heard This Late Last Week And The Spring Big-m Bash Swap Meet/ Car Show Was Set For Sometime Next Month. Anyone Else In The Area Heard Anything About This ????
I heard last year was the last for swap meets because they were selling. Hope it isn't true I liked that swap meet. There was always some cool parts at good prices.
.............I had read that they were trying to find someone to reopen the snack bar. I talked with a guy yesterday that said it is done. He knows the guy that got the shoebox off the roof........ Sad..................If there is any change, I will post something about it. I live about 10 minutes away..............
WOW, no Big M? I need to come out from under my rock. I really felt emdeared to that joint, not just for the show. They had good crab cake subs, and was just a cool scene. I hope it sdoesn't get demolished. Sorry to hear if the owner did indeed die.
I have been hearing these rumors for a couple years.. and I dont doubt that its true.. with the cost of land in that area.. nothing is safe.. when I first graduated from college I lived 5 miles from that place. I'll miss the BIG M.. good memorys there.. one night A dude named Kobbie asked if he could stripe my 46, I believe it was the first and only time a crowd assembled around the car....
Wow...and for those of you who don't know, the Big M was also a drive-in movie theatre as well as a drive-in restaraunt. It was about the only one left around. I saw Blair Witch Project there in my '68 GTO convertable. The only way to see that particular movie in my opinion. The movie was filmed in Maryland, in the woods. Here you are, IN Maryland, In the woods in an old car. Damn. Hope the rumors are false... Spike
I'm about 10 minutes from there. never been, but planned on going this year. Hope the shows and cruises still go on.
The Big-M did indeed die...in Sept. 2004.The previous owner and founder/supporter of the cruises and the Bash was Sir Bob Wagner.Sadly ,he died in March of this year,2008, a few weeks after his beloved mom,who was responsible for the home-made coleslaw. Incidently,it was Bob who gave Kobbie his first start at public appearences striping at shows way back in June of 1989! There is a memorial tribute to Bob if yous google Big-M and Bob Wagner,that Kobbie wrote in Bobs memory,it should still come up on the Lowes cruise website. Kobbie's 20th Anniversery Party will be coming up in fall of '09 , commemorating 20 years of 'striping "on the road"...Lots of stuff he has planned for all his loyal and faithful kustomers,friends and supporters.Just to let yous know if anyone is interested. Larry...Pres. Kobbie's Fan Klub