Anyone know who's 28/29 on 32 rails this is or know anything about it. I have had it as my screen saver for sometime but would like to have the scoop on it. I did some searching on the net and didn't find much. All I learned was that it sold a couple of years back and the old owner drove it a lot. Thanks for your time. Jesse
Thanks for the info! I PM'ed Nimrod for more info. This is one of my favorite rides and it has been a source of alot of inspiration for me.
its for sale again $75,000 Ouch. Thats why Iam building a clone.
Ouch is right! The ad says, "Roadsters such as the one offered here are generally referred to as traditional hot roads for their adherence to period correct components". Yet it has a 4-link & a 460ci Cobra Jet engine. At least he changed the "tennis shoes". Now, the car looks great now from 20 feet.
heh. i could see a lot of pink slips in the glove box if the cobra jet was available in the 50s ( to a select few.. or what fun would it be to dream ). heh chris. very nice car from the photos. ok, i just looked at the photos from the place its for sale.. its over priced.. damn.. interior is junk, the ibeam showing its age and the salt has not been to kind.. yay for surface rust. ( they apparently charge extra for that tho ). wow.. if i was gonna , hell if I ever had 70K to blow on a hotrod.. i would have to demand decent interior.. and no rusted parts ( even surface. ). but, im dreaming here.. and thats why id never have teh cash to buy such a car. heh.
"Roadsters such as the one offered here are generally referred to as traditional hot roads for their adherence to period correct components, functional appearance and mechanical simplicity that characterized the cars that were built in the early 1950’s. This hot road is constructed atop a 1932 ford frame, with a “deuce grill shell, a dropped front axle, and a radically raked Dual vee’d windscreen. This classic Rod features a powerful 460 ci Cobra Jet V-8 engine backed by a 4 speed manual and a robust 9 inch rear which is held in place by an equally rugged 4 link suspension. From every angle it is clear that this Roadster has the right look. Stance and wheel choice define the attitude of any hot rods and this car has wisely been equipped with the most authentic period correct components. The body of this car is a rust free all Henry Ford steel, carrying an honest patina, with aesthetic and worn in character. This is based on the fact that is car was built in the 50’s and has around 100k miles on it since. " Almost seems a shame that it was built in the 50's and someone put a 460 in it. Sure looks right with the hood on though So the listing is WRONG and it was built in the 90's AND it is a Brookville body, so the listing contains fraud as well. Nice job when NIMROD built it though
Its a split wishbone 4 link. Pretty cool actually. The pictures I scanned in a while back (the ones posted at the beginning) are from a book. Cant remember the name off hand. But anyway the story in the book said it was a brookville body. Not sure if thats true or not. But in my mind its the perfect hot rod. and that why Iam copying it. And Jeff (Nimrod) has been helpful with the information.
or split rear bones with two torque if it matters. nice car ...i remember the nice curve in the bones .
Nimrod is a nice guy... I talked to him at Bonneville in 2003.... his roadster sure looked traditional to me sitting out on the salt!!! All I can say is that there are more horses asses than there are horses, in regards to some of the negative comments about this cool HOT ROD.
A boner IMO you are right on. I do respect others and there opinions but to me that is the perfect hot rod. This may sound dumb but if I actually had the 75k I'd buy that car. I still kick myself for not getting the cash together to buy it the first time around.(at a much lower price) But to me that is the perfect hot rod. The windshield is gonna be a bit of a challenge (casting it out of brass) but everything else I think I have sorted out. Nimrod nailed the perfect hot rod before the traditional thing really took off. Got to give him credit for that. It got me into this hobby.
Thanks 08, it means a lot. The money they're asking is insane. When I sold it for WAY less than half of that I thought I did REAL good. The car is rough, it's funny back in the '90's it was fresh, clean and finished...I racked up the miles and more than a decade of abuse and now it has valuable "patina". And wasn't built in the '50's, it was the '90's, and that is a Brookville body. Jeff