Hi all, im new here but my dad has frequented this site for awhile, I was wondering if anyone remembered the old Drag Craft Racing AA/GD purple dragster.They ran out of Cleveland Ohio.It was run by Ted Grucza, Howie Davis, Bob Thomas, and Paul Kelm. Raced mostly at Quaker city, Milan, Norwalk,and National Trail. It ran mid to late sixties,no front body, a purple cowl and side panels with gold leaf lettering. It was Hemi powered. Any pictures or info would be greatly appreciated, Thanks.
Hey there! I'm Ted Grucza's daughter, Monica. My summer vacation 'quest' will be to find a photo of Dad's purple digger. I remember seeing it around in my pile, so I'll be sure to share it with you if I find it. So happy to see someone other than myself having fond memories of that great car.
This is a copy of a business card from Dragcraft. It was given to me from a friend that drove the cars. Some interesting stories i have heard!! Pictures of the purple car do exist and can be posted later!!
Thanks so much for sharing the business card photo. Sadly, I never did find any photos of the purple digger. This was all I found: https://scontent-a-sjc.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-frc1/t1/998144_10202325088439974_718325716_n.jpg I also found this, for what it's worth https://fbcdn-sphotos-f-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash3/t1/994298_10200742598718720_1589286655_n.jpg
Hows this for you Dragcraft fans? an original T-shirt with the driver of the AA/GD still in it in 2016!
HA has it really been 10 years since this post? This is Ted Grucza's daughter (had to create a new account), just got back from the Pomona winternationals and thought of this old post. Here's a pic of dad's purple digger!