HELL YES! Now I won't have fight the ticks, mosquitoes, snakes, and spiders when I am out rummaging around for parts.
nah im racing my ass off to beat the snow, i dont have a garage, fall is bad enough, the groudn is coverd in leave that are all the color of rusty metal its imposible to find anytign dropped
I can't wait...the rattlesnakes will go away for awhile...killed 3 babies this week...I hate those bastards...a year and a half ago my little daughter got bit by one...I am completely paranoid at this point...we may not really get a winter here but at least it puts the snakes away for a few months
Yep, both my long sleeve shirts are clean. Wanted to make sure in case it's a long winter.............
Yeah..got so cold I had to wear a sweatshirt on the bike this weekend..but thankfully warmed up to reasonable 80* this week...
Winter is good....from the inside looking out Damn right, no more sweating, no more mosquitos, chiggers, or any of those other little bastards trying to get a free meal off of me. It's cold enough out now, that the snakes aren't trying to get in thru the patio door. Frost due tonight, so that ought to get rid of the rest of the outside pests. The chimney is cleaned out, and I just brought in some logs. The bird feeder is filled, not much to do on the rides except go around and check nuts and bolts... so bring it on. HellRaiser
NO!! Just got 6" of snow here the other day.... Pretty much gone already, but still... Garage is ready for my winter hibernation tho...
I'm over winter, it was long and cold and wet by our normally mild east coast of Australia standards. Have at it, you northern hemi guys.
Maybe Got a new big high tech iron wood stove that burns the logs down to ZIP Rusky's shut off the gas? We are ready! Wood's real cheap here. Unike food, fuel, cloths, shoes, everything else. I got a 400 lb bag of kiln dried oak floor 2nds for fire starting for US$20........ But Big Mac's $6.50 Many of my neighbors are going to have to choose between heat and food and forget driving. Hard working people suppering from 10-20% inflation and 22% sales (VAT) tax Local money here has dropped as much as 30% to the US$ good for us but our friends are really suffering. And I fear friends it will only get worse. People here are strong aren't so far from the hardships of Communism that they can't get by. Sorry for the rant.......... Off to Czech for a swap meet........
We had about 2" of snow the other day. Tomorrow it'll be 75. I'll deal with it. It's worth it to be out of that South California mess. Wayno