hey just want to make sure people know about the upcoming swap meets in arizona May 2, June 6, and July 11 each one is a sun only swapmeet, gates open at 5am they are held at Glendale Comm College contact me for more details
I'm North of Prescott. Is this worth the 2 hour drive? Mainly interested in Mopar stuff. I haven't been yet, and if it's the typical deal (10 guys selling diecast, 10 guys selling china tools, 10 guys selling rusty Chevy stuff, 10 guys selling late model stuff and 1-2 guys selling Mopar stuff), I won't bother.
I go regularly, not much MOPAR stuff. I have walked away empty handed the last few times I went, but you never know who might bring some cool stuff so I make the 35 minute drive from Chandler. I picked up a real nice Reelcraft hose reel w/ hose last year for $60.
Swap meet this weekend Feb 1, 2015 who knows what you might find heres a link for more dates www.justsellitautomotiveswapmeet.com