Much thanks to Jay Ward and the Vultures car club for putting this show on. I was totally stoked to see that bass drove out from Texas to the show! Got to meet and hang with great people like Jimmy White and Preacher... and others from the HAMB. Here's my sample of iron. Sam.
OMG i love that gray 46(?) there is something about it that it is just perrrrfect to me...and that Rivi..dont get me freakin started...more perfection...Thanks for the pics guys...damn good stuff Greg
I love this truck... The young kid driving it was stoked about it... he fabbed up mounts to put a 383 Mopar in it that flat out rumbles... clean install, detailed... neat kid, neat truck. Plans are to drop it with a Mustang II... I forgot to tell him about Industrial Chassis... next time I see him I'll send him Steve's way. Sam.
There was so much to see... about half the iron was under the bowling alley in the parking garage... prolly won't see any pics 'cause it was dark under dere...
Sam, it looks like you shot all the cars I didn't. I didn't get many in the enclosed garage area either, for the same reason. Anyway, another quality annual event to look forward to!
Here are some shots from the garage area. Most came out dark but I got something out of them with Photoshop.
man i wished to hell i lived out there in CA for all the shows and the people too. Aint nothin here in CO cept for goodguys (too much boyd coddington ) and the cruise in at burger every wed. and fri. but atleast i got a project on my driveway.
Hey guys, thanks for all of the pictures. Nice coverage of a lot of differant stuff. That looks like one hell of a day that was put on. How many cars were there?
I wouldn't wear a shirt like this, mainly because I have a lot of fun at Goodguys' shows and respect what they have done for the hobby... not to mention laugh at jokers who use the "Greedyguys" term... but it was kind of funny to see it, none the less. And why didn't they call it the ROB and corruption association??? Sam.
Kill pics.Looks like a must do show.Where,when and is there a wholw w/e of events happening?Or is there other things happening around there for us out of towners(country)to do if we take this show in? Thanx guys for putting up the pics. The Vultures should be damn proud of all the tin that showed up.....Shiny
Kill pics.Looks like a must do show.Where,when and is there a whole w/e of events happening?Or is there other things happening around there for us out of towners(country)to do if we take this show in? Thanx guys for putting up the pics. The Vultures should be damn proud of all the tin that showed up.....Shiny
[ QUOTE ] Is this Brett Reed's car? [/ QUOTE ] As in "Rancid" Brett Reid? I was wondering what he was driving nowadays
[ QUOTE ] Three window. I've always wondered why the windshield doesn't rate a mention... [/ QUOTE ]????????? what do you mean???????