Howdy guys, I have been away for quite awhile so I need some assistance navigating please. I have received several emails in the past 3 to 4 months regarding my KR Wilson engine stand that is for sale. The emails tell me that I must come here to visit with you who are interested however I cannot find any IM's or private messages links to open up to do this. Can someone assist me on how to talk to those that are interested? My coupe is near final completion and I will be hauling it to a few shows this summer to see how it fares out. I will be debuting it this summer and until then, it stays indoors out of prying eyes. Yes, for now it is just a trailer queen, but with this much money stuck into her that is what I will do with it for the first year or so. Then the newness will be worn off for me and it will be time to get it out there and take it on runs, etc. Thank you. JW
Just click on the envelope icon on right side of your page,up near the top...That will open all your PMs just select the ones you want to read