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attn. police, bite my A@#

Discussion in 'The Hokey Ass Message Board' started by tensecsprint, Dec 3, 2006.

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  1. Harrison said:
    "Anyone here with any sense doesn't feel sorry for you. Learn to show a little respect - it'll get you a whole lot further than a "punk rock" attitude & a piece of shit beater."

    I'll add that the cop wasn't having a bad day. He was doing what the town pays him to do. YOU were having the bad day. When you get to court, guess what? You'll find that the judge works for the same people. Another bad day for you.

    Oh, and I'd like to add my name to the list of people who'd like to see a pic of the car in question.

    When I was in my teens, the older cats used to call guys like you "Junior Flips". You are now in the world of driving on the road with the public. You should save the punky attitude for the skate park or the moosh pit.

    Them's my 2¢, adjusted for twentieth century inflation…
  2. Talky
    Joined: Aug 24, 2006
    Posts: 118

    from Calgary

    me and a couple friends were shuttling up from where we mountain bike, so the back of his new dodge crewcab was filled with bikes, the cop pulls us over, we were wondering what the fuck for and then he looks at my friend and says yoiu didnt have your seatbelt on....what the fuck...ive never seen that kid without we argued and eventually he comes back and says this time its a warning...thing is he couldnt even see us sun was setting right behind all he would have gotten was a reflection.!!
  3. 61 Fairlane
    Joined: Feb 10, 2006
    Posts: 312

    61 Fairlane

    First thing, if your car wasnt legal you DESERVE the tickets. It doesnt matter if you think your car is "cool" the way it is and they only pick on the cool cars. You better learn that pretty quickly.
    Secondly, with your "police bite my a@#" attiude, you can expect to be getting a whole lot more tickets in the future. Learn to smile, say yes sir, no sir. It may get you off, or at least less citations when you do get stopped.
    We had a kid at work that was always getting stopped and getting tickets and he didnt have a clue that he comes across so cocky,if I was a cop Id bust his ass too.
  4. I had an incident happen to me back in the spring involving cops and a check point.

    Long story made short. Since then, my respect for law enforcement officers has gone into the septic tank.

    They have the badge and the gun. This means they can DO and SAY as they want at YOUR expense.

    Their bad day results in you having a bad day. Their assignment to duty they don't want can translate into the most miserable day of your life.

    I should also mention they can LIE and DISTORT facts to cover their own asses, at YOUR expense. But their integrity isn't challenged because they have the badge and gun.

    I respected cops until this incident. Now I realize they have thought processes that mimick that of a serial criminal.

    Is it a sterotype? Maybe, but that's my thinking until they prove otherwise.

    SCREW the cops and the patrol cars they drove up in.

    Question??? Has a cop ever been around when ya' really needed one?????? :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

    The God Father and mafia system hold cops to task for their actions. There needs to be more of that.
  5. Durod
    Joined: Aug 20, 2005
    Posts: 809

    from DFW, Tx

    you trad mischief-maker, you...
  6. first and foremost for the Colorado guys, and this kid specifically--

    all those equipment violations are legit depending what tags you are running.

    I'm assuming you were the driving the 28 Dodge mentioned in your intro?

    I'm assuming you are running a regular "green tag" or a 5 year collector plate, MAYBE you have a "horseless carriage" tag?

    the ONLY tag in the state of Colrado that allows you to make any mods away from "factory design" is the STREET ROD tag. It's specifically set up for you to modify your pre 49 vehicle for "improvements" There are way too many laws/statutes out there to nail you for altered suspension, glass area, bald tires, visible smoke, seatbelts, and on and on, without it. yeah, it's a one year tag, and yeah, it costs extra, but I bet it costs less than the fines you are about to pay. Look it up in the vehicle codes, and GET ONE.

    and, lastly, on seatbelts- way back, the only guys who had 'em were REAL RACERS 'cause they had to have 'em to run at the track- treat belts as a racing badge of honor in your traditional hot rod, 'cause the street posers wouldn't have had 'em.
  7. xderelict
    Joined: Jul 30, 2006
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    If the officers parents would of known how a condom works the cop may not be standing there today.
  8. kustombuilder
    Joined: Sep 18, 2002
    Posts: 7,750

    from Novi, MI

    i think the title did it jobs. it got our attention. i for one may not have read the post if not for the hillarity of the title.

    i realy have nothing useful to add but to say that my mother used to work for the state police back in the day and has nothing good to say about them and by "them" i mean the cops themselves. i've never so much as know of my mother getting a speeding ticket so it's not like she has a reason to be biased like say a hooker or drug dealer might.
    she told me on a many occasions what assholes these cops were as human beings. i know they are'nt ALL this way but you have to think of the reasons why somebody becomes a policeman. many were bullies and want to continue to be so and others were bullied and want to get back and the world by being the bully. i worked with a girl for a while who's husband had a couple buddies who were cops and she did'nt like them for that exact reason. they were bullies in and out of the uniform and got off on it. she heard their stories and bragging just as my mother did.
    on the other hand, the world would be a REAL scary place without them.

    you prolly won't get of scott free but you could likely reduce the amount of fines you'll have to pay by doing your homework and maybe even getting a lawyer. good luck.
  9. Yo Baby
    Joined: Jul 11, 2004
    Posts: 2,811

    Yo Baby

    I would be willing to bet that a major element involved in getting stopped (judging from the time of the post;) ) and (driving a hot rod;) ) was being out after the witching hour (10 pm or later) on a Sat. night.LOL
    That is automatically grounds to pull a person over just to see what there is to see as the powers that be are always out in force looking for DUI money on Fri. and Sat. nights.
    The more non descript the ride the less likely to be buggered.
    Been there done that too many times to count and have paid the price on more than one of said occasions.

    Case in point about the time of day thingy.........

    It's 2:30 am on a Fri. nght and I'm on the turnpike headed home from the hospital in Okc where Pops is fightin' for his life.I'm drivin' an early 30's Ford,(Full Fendered,Hood on,Quiet exhaust,Radial tired)rod dead tired and stressed to the max.I top the hill and can see Mr. Gilmore,(read HP) in the distance with someone else stopped.As I top the next hill I see Mr. Gilmore turn off his lights and head off.He turns around crossing the median and heads the other way.The instant I drive by,BAM on come his lights,an LA turnaround over the meadian and he is coming for me.:eek: What'd I do:confused: .
    He comes to the door obviously using his highly tuned olfactory senses and doin' that nosey cop thing with the flashlight all around the cockpit for some time before asking,for my license and proof of insurance,and oh by the way do you mind if I search your car?
    He gets done searching and asks me to step back to the cruiser.Needless to say this is gettin' kinda old.
    After runnin' me through whatever computer stuff they do and deciding I'm not one of the bad guys at this time, he asks,do you know why I pulled you over?????
    No says I except that it's after 2 in the am and you're prolly lookin' for drunks:( ,no says he you only have one tailight on your car. It's at about this point I decide enough is enough :mad: and says to him,PUHHLEASEEEE :rolleyes: it's a 32 Ford and you know as well as I do that it's only required to have one tail light,so if you're gonna ticket me get on with it so I can go home and I'll see you in court,my pop is sick and I'm tired. He begins to look a bit :eek: (how often do ya getta see that?) and writes a contact report not a warning and sends me on my not so merry way.

    Fast forward to a year later........

    I'm on my way to the local machnists shop at about 2 in the afternoon. A HP pulls up behind me at an intersection:eek: .I'm drivin' same old Ford only now with,No Fenders:( ,No Hood:( ,M/T Slicks(not for highway use) printed right on the side:eek: ,Lakes Headers so loud they make your head ring for a half hour after a 15 minute drive :eek: and a stickshift with a tall gear to boot so it's hard to leave a stop quietly anyhow.LOL
    He follows me to the next stop. Around a right corner to the next stop. Around a left corner to the next stop,at this point I'm sweatin' bullets and thinkin' come on just turn on the lights and lets get it over with because the suspense alone is killin' me.I leave the stop and go straight,he turns left and goes on about his bizz without so much as a by your leave,THANK YOU VERY MUCH:cool: ,as I'm sure I could have at least gotten most of the tickets our fellow HAMBer here got.
    The point of this story is :D that if I had been driving the later version of the car in the wee hours of the morning on the turnpike,I'd have been up to my asshole in alligators post haste with no hope of
    if your gonna drive a "Hot Rod"and I use the term loosley,try not to do it in the witching hours if you can help it and you'll prolly avoid a lot of grief or at the very least a lot of stress;) .
    I'd kinda like to see a pic of the car you were stopped in myself.
  10. dragrcr50
    Joined: Jul 25, 2005
    Posts: 3,865


    I think I saw your car at the hamb drags, ten times over. I thought to myself how do these guys get away with this crap, no floors, arc welded cast iron axles and the list goes on and when did it become legal to run zoomies on the street anyway?? I can see the policemans reason and add an insult to that like bite my ass and I'd have it impounded!!!!!!! you may live a traditional hot rod life style but it is 2006 and the laws and peoples idea of hot rodders has changed drastically. That just gives the lawmakers more reasons to squeeze the old cars off the road... :cool:
  11. 31Rodder
    Joined: Aug 3, 2001
    Posts: 221


    get over it.

    Attached Files:

  12. Hmmmm.... You're 20 years old, driving a "hot rod" of questionable legality, and it's late at night. You got a car that sticks out like a roach on a wedding cake. Combine the visual impact with bad tires, loud exhaust, and your fine young face behind the wheel and you've got flashing "PULL ME OVER!!" sign that follows you around when you drive it. Your attitude was likely the icing on that wedding cake

    Welcome to life son...sometimes it's a kick in the stones. All of us have been there once or twice in our lives, so leather up and deal with it.

    Here's the deal with cops. Some are pricks, some aren't, but either way they've got the guns and the authority to use 'em. Here's some phrases that are your friend when dealing with police: Yes officer - no officer - I'm sorry officer - you're right officer.

    Educate yourself to the laws you're accused of breaking and be prepared to pay if you broke 'em. Get in compliance with the law and keep a copy of the statutes in your car so you can show them, in a polite manner, to the officer the next time you get pinched. And trust me, there will be a next time.

    Now, let's see the car in question so we can all see how right we are.
  13. Terraizer
    Joined: Jul 18, 2006
    Posts: 521


    Must be a northen Colorado Things because the Sothern Colorado Cops seam pretty cool. My wheeling truck is way taller then the legal headlight limit, way alterd suspension, Tires out side of body and they just let me go on my way don't give me any problems, hell after the last roll over i drove it around for a week with no windsheld, got pulled over and they let me go after seeing i had stafty glasss on.
  14. Why do you suppose he doesn't post a picture of his car?
    He is paying the price to play the role, and he ain't gonna get off easy.
    When I was 16, in 1956 by the way, every guy in our hotrod club got together at the local gas station and installed seat belts in their rods. law or no law.
    It's hard to slip by the police when they can hear you coming 2 blocks away. It's hard to slip by the police when your car looks unsafe. It's hard to slip by the ticket, when you have an attitude.
  15. May the Force be with you.
  16. fab32
    Joined: May 14, 2002
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    Are you ever going to post a picture of the car, or are you concerned that we wil then understand the reason you got the ticket. If you expect sympathy you've got to post some evidence.
    BTW, When you turn 60 you'll have an entirely different outlook on life and it will be better.

  17. Boones
    Joined: Mar 4, 2001
    Posts: 9,691

    from Kent, Wa
    1. Northwest HAMBers

    I have found that cops are usually cooler to guys with hotrods then with normal rides. Like everyone else, they like cars. they do not like attitude, rudeness or unsafe behavior. Not sure if any of those played into this. as I have not seen the car, nor do I know why you got pulled over the in the first place. (speeding, burnouts, drinking. ???)
  18. aussiesteve
    Joined: Jan 6, 2004
    Posts: 808


    I agree.Some of the shit driving around should not be on the road.
  19. dave s
    Joined: Aug 2, 2005
    Posts: 354

    dave s

    its all about your attitude. if your expecting the officer to be a dick, he or she probably will be. every now and then you'll get someone who had a bad day/week/whatever, and they may be a little hostile, but thats rare.

    on the first day i had my roadster registered and insured, i wanted to go for the first drive. i hadnt gotten the baffles in, it was missing one of the floor panels on the passenger side, and it was extremely too low (before i realized i had 2 broken leaves in a 4 leaf pack...). i was parked in a parking lot showing the car to a friend of mine, when an unmarked pulled in right behind me.
    my first thought? oh crap. 20min into driving it for the first time, and its going to be impounded for being an unsafe vehicle...

    so the officer gets out and starts lookin it over, then he radios another police officer. soon i have 2 officers looking over my unfinished jalopy of a hotrod. to say i was nervous would be a grave understatement. then the first officer says to me "is this yours"? i almost wanted to say no. but i said "yes sir, it is". he then gets a big smile on his face and says "this is pretty cool. i have a 37 chevy at home i'm working on". me, and the two officers then go on to talk about projects we've had and what we'd like to have.

    moral of this story??...... I was only 19 at the time and if i would have had an attidude, i'd probably have been watching my car go away on the back of a tow truck.

    they did give me a good pointer on how not to get pulled over. its simple.... DONT DO ANYTHING ILLEGAL...

    state patrol on the other hand arent so nice...
  20. seymour
    Joined: Jan 22, 2004
    Posts: 5,125

    from PNW

    This is very true.... at my night job, I got to know the cops really well in the area & when I got off work, it was their 'lunch' break... I'd go and talk shit with them, hell I pretended to instigate a race with one of em... lol

    Last time I got a ticket, 2 towns over, the officer insisted that he knew me and after I signed the ticket, he said "you're the guy that comes in to IHOP all the time and has lunch with us!" He offered to get rid of the ticket, but I declined b/c he was just doing his job.
  21. Muttley
    Joined: Nov 30, 2003
    Posts: 18,501


    I think I'd rather have the guy smell it than bite it, theres no reason to add injury to you wouldnt have another dude touching your butt.
  22. hippie6
    Joined: Mar 26, 2006
    Posts: 229


    I've heard teel of a state trooper in Adrian MI. that will pull you over and "inspect" your vehicle and give you a ticket for EVERYTHING that was not on you car or truck when it left the factory!!! roll pans, modified suspension(raised or lowered) ........ and check ALL equipment,, e-brake, tires..... I haven't seen him yet and I hope I never do!!

    And my wife was taken to jail by another MI state trooper 'cause she forgot to pay a ticket for not getting our dog his shots!! Oh yeah, at the time of the arrest the dog had been DEAD for over 7 years!!!!
  23. ol fueler
    Joined: Oct 6, 2005
    Posts: 935

    ol fueler

    Now thats one I've never heard : Needing a special Lic. plate to build hot rods !!
    If thats all it takes to get around being hasseled , by all means GET ONE !!
    Add me to the list of people who would like to see a pic of The self admitted "Death Trap".
    I don't expect to see it tho , I don't think the guy got the sympathy he expected.
  24. Cruiser
    Joined: May 29, 2006
    Posts: 2,241



    :rolleyes: "Image is everything" My buddy purchased a beautiful '64 Impala candy apple blue, chrome rims, low and a cool ride. Every time we went cruising we were pulled over for one thing or another. The car had a reputation in the bay area of Los Angeles as a doper wagon. The guy that my friend purchased the car from was a pot pusher and one hell of a low life. We changed out the wheels on the car and had it painted and were never pulled over again. "Image is everything" baby be careful on the way you look and the way your ride looks..
    This as been a very interesting tread with mostly good advice.

    "Drive a cool short" - '50's term for a cool ride

    Cruiser 49:cool:
  25. Attitude is everything. I got pulled over last month in VA for having a tail light out. I had just replaced that darn thing so we had a little wiggle the bulb session. The State Patrols biggest concern was that the load on the trailer was obscuring the view of the trucks taillights. Once all of that was out of the way we got on to the discussion of what was on the trailer.
    Big A's 50 ford actually kept me out of trouble.

    Check the laws you are accused of breaking...then check your attitude.
  26. Leaky Pipes
    Joined: Jan 11, 2005
    Posts: 596

    Leaky Pipes

    Some rules if you're pulled over: Show respect. Admit your mistake. Always respond: "Yes Sir or yes officer". But if you're pulled over by a Trooper NEVER call him officer! Instant ticket if u do. Troopers are'nt officers, they're troopers so for Troopers it's: "yes sir or Yes Trooper". I aint shittin ya.
  27. lotus
    Joined: Sep 7, 2002
    Posts: 1,119

    from Taft, CA

    I would like to see a pic of the car in question too...

    I do not know CO law but as far as I understand it in california if the car did not come with seat belts you do NOT have to have them in the car...if you add them to the car and are caught not wearing them then they can ticket you for not wearing them.

    I hate that cops mess with loud hot rods but will let all the harleys and fart can imports slide 99% of the time. I have been lucky. I have been running my lake pipes opened now for over a year and no problems. I pulled into a gas station recently and two sheriffs were filling up. I thought for sure I was busted.

    I got pulled over recently for taking off too fast and doing a quick lane change. The kid cop comes up and has a cocky attitude...I was polite and gave him my license/insurance/registration paperwork. He came back all polite like and said just slow down and have a nice night and let me go. I think being polite had a little to do with him not ticketing me but I think when he saw I am 39 and not what he assumed was a punk kid (even though I look like one still) caused him to lighten up. My wife was pissed...she was laughing that I was going to get a ticket and got out of it.
  28. In Our Town Jamestown Ny All You Need For Inspection Is What Came On The Car New Hotrodders Put Money In There Pockets With Car Shows If We Drive Sensable They Dont Bother Us Hotrod
  29. lotus
    Joined: Sep 7, 2002
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    from Taft, CA

    something else that I find comical...when I was a kid and got pulled over by a cop I was like oh man I am so scared...crap a that I am older and the cops seem like kids that make 30k max do not intimidate me...I just hand over the paper work and get on with my business...

    I still want to get pulled over in the rain and have a cop come up and go do you know why I pulled you over? and my reply will be yeah and do you know why I was speeding in the pouring rain? ;)
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