Hi Guys and gals! Been flying at it lately and have finished the left side header mockup and kicked the rear of the frame as well as made up a steel spacer for between the torque tube collar and the back of the trans (necessary to get the engine ahead of the firewall which includes modified spoon pedal firewall linkage). Am now on to the trans buildup - cleaning parts and still looking for a decent 15/29 side loader donor trans. It's now been five years since I started this project and will probably be another two. Regards, Dave.
Looks like my shop a few years ago. Be advised, I stepped my frame like that. After I had the body on. I pulled it all apart and restepped it again. To drop the body down a tad bit more. The 6 inches between the tire and fender line was way to much for me.
Hey Dave, Like the way you are moving it forward with the spacer, Nice work! What have you got for steering and how did you work the header around it?
Eric: I'm running fenders so the space won't be "quite" as much of a concern, but one none the less! Thanks for the heads up! Straightpipes: Thanks! I'm running a modified F-1 box (same as the Bishop/Tardel book. The back header runner was the only one that needed a slight offset bend around the box to clear it. I used long radius bends for all of my runners. Regards,Dave.