I think you are correct exept for the variable in the 61+ might not remember, 60 - 61 whatever it takes.
The reason people may think kids post here is because almost every member is a kid at heart. Except me, maybe. 18 going on 80.
will be 70 in july. old enough to know better but still don't. started hotroding at age 18. would have started sooner but they did not let us have cars at Boys Town.
It is. Its also about the human aspect of those who have a common interest in traditional rods and customs. There are those here that post that they have had a newborn or that they have a loved one who has passed away or that another HAMBer needs help. I have read of the quality of HAMBers and found inspiration in my fellow man by reading about the HAMBANDY build of a sedan for a deserving young man whom is battling an illness. The hot rod life might revolve around cars, but it is made whole and good by those human aspects that make the hobby flourish with dignity.
One of the reasons I'm so involved with this forum is the "community" of it. Hot rodding is as much a lifestyle as it is the sharing of technical knowledge. The HAMB is family whether one thinks of it that way or not. Thanks, Mike
Your missing the point I was trying to make... Guys spend tons of time putting together a great tech post, tons of guys go and say "awesome" "your a ruler" and then when it's time to vote very few can click a button..... But ask how old we are everyone is on board.... My point is not anti human .... it's a respect thing for those who did the work and took time to post the info, pics, answer question...
Good point. I'm guilty of that, too. Glad you brought it up. I'll vote next time for sure. Lot of work goes into those posts...
The 51 plus category perhaps should have been made more finite, now I'm lumped in with 60 somethings or older.
i think were all a bunch of young kids at heart, but most of us are probably married kids dont want nothing to do with cars (teenagers) or were getting the grandkids attention
Old enough to have bought running cars for a few hundred dollars in the early 70's mostly 55-57 chevys and drove them to death, if i had only known that they should have been stashed away for retirement funds! and tons of others that were sold thru the years due to getting married, having kids, buying houses and on and on. still in the game just paying todays prices.
Remaining "teachable" is one of the joys of life. I'm just a 20 year old in a 54 year old skin. Oh crap! I gotta go pee again!!