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Event Coverage Bad Gas From Auto Dismantlers

Discussion in 'The Hokey Ass Message Board' started by Jalopy Joker, Feb 3, 2024.

  1. You need to eat better quality tacos and burritos.
    SS327 likes this.
  2. BamaMav
    Joined: Jun 19, 2011
    Posts: 6,969

    from Berry, AL

    You’d be surprised at how many automotive fluids are recycled. The truck shop at the company I was leased to had a couple of containers, one for antifreeze only, one for motor oil and gear oil, and I think one for diesel that had to be drained from tanks sometimes. I talked to one of the guys who picked it up regularly, he told me they ran the oil and antifreeze freeze through filters and might have even said they heated it to get more junk out of it. Then they mixed it with new oil or antifreeze and bottled it as rerefined. He said the used diesel got filtered and ran in their forklifts. Funny thing was the company paid to have the fluids hauled off and disposed of. They had to keep records of how much and when it was sent off to report to the state. When you figure each truck held 44 quarts, or 11 gallons if you prefer, with over 300 trucks it counted up pretty fast.
    SS327 likes this.
  3. aircap
    Joined: Mar 10, 2011
    Posts: 1,780


    Back in the 60's & 70's I remember hearing these stories about an Oklahoma gas company doing business as Gibble Gas. Supposedly they did stuff like siphon from exposed oil wells, old tar pits, and buying gas from salvage yards. Maybe they were true. I know my uncle never stopped at a Gibble Gas station when traveling through Oklahoma.
  4. Boneyard51
    Joined: Dec 10, 2017
    Posts: 6,549


    I was responsible for all maintenance at my Fire dept and every 3/4 years I would call our diesel supplier and the would come out and pump 400 gallons of diesel out the main back up generator!
    They would replace it with fresh diesel… of charge!
    They would mix that 400 gallons of old diesel with a truck load of new diesel and sell it!
    Did it for years!
    Back about forty years ago I rode with my friend delivering gasoline. He was hauling 9000 gallons. When he loaded it , he filled it with regular gasoline, no additives and delivered it to several different brand stations and put it in the regular tank and the high test tanks!

    A few years back I saw some cheap diesel in Nebraska,at a semi-brand name convenience store, I pulled my motor home in and filled up! About 100 miles North, my engine pulled down! I changed my filter, went about 200 miles , new filter! I changed the filter about five times! I know that is what that store did….bought some old fuel!

    Truckdoctor Andy and SS327 like this.
  5. This one place crushed a lot of cars. They had a separate gas tank pile. Maybe 50 tanks at any given time. We brought them lots of cars so we were treated alright. Still a lot of effort to me. Small wonder, gas has not smelled like gas since around 1975.
  6. BamaMav
    Joined: Jun 19, 2011
    Posts: 6,969

    from Berry, AL

    I suspect the only reason someone is pitching a fit over this is they didn’t get their cut $$$. That’s what usually breaks up those lucrative deals….
  7. Budget36
    Joined: Nov 29, 2014
    Posts: 14,362


    It was mentioned before about a tanker putting the same gas in all the tanks.
    But similar to that, I worked at an Exxon in the early 80’s, always had small talk with the tanker driver.
    I was at the “U-Gas” or similar inexpensive place, and he pulled in and started filling tanks.
    Next time I saw him at the Exxon, I asked him about it.
    “I put the same gas into every station I deliver to, save your money”.
    But I never knew gas from salvage yards was mixed with “new” gas.
    bobss396 and Boneyard51 like this.
  8. A buddy of mine delivered gas all over Long Island. I used to see the company trucks at just about any gas station. The last "branded" gas truck I recall was at a Getty station.
    Budget36 likes this.
  9. trevorsworth
    Joined: Aug 3, 2020
    Posts: 1,504


    I just got my AA running off the gas tank, which had been full of 40 y/o varnish that looked like black tar, but was otherwise not rusty. I took some bad gas that would not run in a lawnmower and circulated it through the tank with a 12v fuel pump until all that goop was diluted in it, hooked up the tank to the carburetor, hit the starter and it lit right off and drank all that shit down 'til it was gone.
    Jalopy Joker and Beanscoot like this.

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