Looking for some suggestions, advise and help on bagging a 50 Shoebox Ford. Basically whats involved, pros & cons on the different types of systems. Id like to be able to maintain a good ride but slam her on the ground when parked. Im not interested in the up & down side to side or corner to corner. I would like to have skid plate so if I drop the ass end shell throughout some sparks. Any ideals? Thanks CJ
There's a lot of information already in here on various threads. I've subscribed to numerous threads by using the search feature to find them.
Well when I did my coupe, like ummm 7 years ago.. My memory has faded...to say the least since then.. lets see if I remember what we did. Front - Remove springs..duh. Cut lower a arm spring mount thing.. weld in new cup for bag, weld in top cup..fab shock mounts... Rear - Pulled a few leafs...mounted bags on shock mount "plate" , and then made a mount to the top of the frame rail.. run lines, compressor/tank in the trunk... voila.. With it parked and totally empty (air) , the rockers sat about 1 pack of smokes on their back, from the ground., and I could drive it a few inches above that.. I ran BF Goodrich radial whitewalls..15" ....and never had a problem clearing speed bumps, cats, chihuahuas, or driveways... I did end up putting in better line, ie: stronger...and valves to balance side to side.. the body roll used to suck.. I would suggest sway bars front and back.. The setup worked for me.. but I am redoing some of it, before I sell it, to make it more betterer.. Anyway...hope this fuzzy info helps. Later. PC