Alot of times all you see is old rusted iron. But it keeps the dream alive. "Man if I only was here ten years ago."
The Deuces are still out there. Steve Hendrickson found his 3 window in a chicken coop within site of the freeway in the Twin Cities!! Always ask for permission to go snooping around. In the winter you can usually go snowmobiling across fields with out a problem and I have found old cars around fence and tree lines. Good luck. hotrodderman
rust aint all bad except you live up north so a little rusty like the door handles are still there dont care what anybody says southwestern ks still has plenty of tin and in some of these small towns they dont have cable so they didnt see one just like sold for 500,000 even though it had 750,000 worth of work in it hell i even seen some good finds off hi way 3 in OK last time i went to LA not much in tx though maybe a bit to dark to see my neiboor goes ou t just about every weekend with his buddy just to find mopars
In the Winter I go out on the snowmobile because you can go right through a lot of the farmer's back 40 that can't be seen from the roads. Last winter I spotted a 36 Ford pickup, 41 Dodge pickup, 49 Chevy pickup, 54 chevy sedan to name a few.
It's a good idea and it will give me a good excuse to get the snowmobile out. I'll have to bring to mph down from 120 to a site seeing 40 mph thought.