I cannt tell if you are trying to say they are Ford Gauges, or telling that they are NOT because they dont say it on the Bezel. Either way, they ARE VDO gauges (not Ford) and here is another poor angled and out of focus pic of a set of them........ which happens to be in my 35 and in the garage.
Here is my beater. When I first got her going, my plan was to drive it for one summer, then tear it apart for paint, interior, fresh motor, etc. But here it is four years later and I am still driving her just like she is. She isn't the prettiest, but she always gets me were I need to go and has never left me stranded. I enjoy driving the thing so much, I can't bring myself to take it back apart(that and I have to get one of my other projects going so I will have something else to drive).
Dis is my beater, capable of being a d/d but it doesnt haul construction materials very well... getting ready to drop and paint by next summer. Hopefully it will look like this, but still a beater minus the red roof
3.50 gears, an early bronco 3 speed, and a stock junkyard ford 200 I-6 with a header on it. It sure isn't the quickest thing in the world at 3600 pounds but it keeps up with traffic. If I wana go fast I take out my other f-1 pickup that has a hot motor in it.
i agree This is my beater and daily driver...rusty fenders, rusty floors with no carpet, radiator leaks, no working gauges, weathered tires, no interior lights, torn seats, weak motor, soft drum brakes and I can go on. But it's paid for, the AM radio works and I love it.
Beat'er? I hardly know her! Oh what the hell. Getting lower this winter and hopefully some other stuff.
Some guys have some nice million dollar "beaters" because its the "in" thing right now. must be nice to be rich and trendy.
As my friends say, "two grand worth of wheels and tires on a fifty-dollar car" It is a Certified Beater, though. It's been all over the place and stone reliable. This is it's "bad side" hahahahahaaaahahaaa
Been there with the "Show Poodle" cars, this is waaay more fun. Rain, shine, and even in winter when there isn't a bunch of salt on the road. Currently apart, getting a major injection of vitamin HP.
Here's my beater: Owned 12 years Driven regularly 30,000 miles+ Only left me stranded once (5 blocks from home) Low buck Easy to fix Fast Loud Fun to drive So who cares if it ain't shiney?