Yes margarinne will work just fine, and yes the flakes have to be buttered individually (you can use spray butter to save time) As for oven temp, around 900-1000 degrees should do, for 90-105 minutes, or until crisp and golden brown. Also remember you MUST paint it in Australia, flake lays the opposite way in Australia regardless of butter (the butter is still recomended though). And after the car has completly cooled you can buff it out with a box of Bounce.
sheesh. what a bunch of amatures. everyone knows You just have to flip the nozzle on Your paint gun upside down.
We will never be done with the dryers sheet thread... I've heard you can use a leaf rake to orientate your flakes for proper dispersal.
Anyone that knows ,,, knows that you have to fill the air hose with flake and regulate at the gun . Make sure to use a new hose because an old hose can contaminate the color that is being laid down .
no kidding!? How do you get it to land on the correct side every time? I'm liking the butter idea, it seems it would work.
This is the best one. I worked for a mechanic when I was in junior high and a customer asked him to fix a dented fender. When he painted it the waves were pretty obvious and when the customer picked up the car the mechanic told him it would buff out. I was 15 at the time and had to leave the shop because I didn't want the customer to see that I didn't agree. I ended up redoing the fender and paint. And the customer was happy. "It'll Buff Out" became a shop description for something that had to be redone. The FOGGER
This is by far the best entertainment for the money today. Even my wife read the thread and is laughing, but she said its scarry that there are as many people as twisted as me on this board. I keep telling her we are just misunderstood and entertainment for shrinks, but I would not have it any other way. Great thread guys needed all the laughs.....
I found that if you hook up a set of jumper cables.. Ground to car... Pos. To gun, the flake will lay flat.. If they are laying flat but still upside down.. Reverse polarity.. In hot weather use a six volt battery.. It slows the cure time.. For small jobs a trickle charger will do the trick..... If ya need anymore tips... I'll be right here....
Ok guys heres my secret......I can't stand it any longer......Go to your neighbors swimming pool....Depending on size I calculate 3 gallons clear to every 100 gallons of water......then Buy as much dry flake you can get depending on how much pop you want....then call your local crane operator and hire them to dip your car completely in the pool...this would make a smooth and complete coverage without tiger stripes......let drip dry and cut off drips .......use lite cutting coumpound then buff with need for color sanding......not only your car would look great but your neighbor will enjoy their newly coated swimming pool for years of summer fun
Duh, yea,,,, but if you can find one of those plastic carpet rakes that were made for shag carpeting back in the 70s they work a lot better... Carpet rakes are hard to find, but every now and then one comes up on ebay if you can afford it... If you find one ya better snap it up..
Originally Posted by username You actual shoot flake a little different. Instead of shooting it at the surface you want flaked, you shoot straight up above the surface. By shooting up in the air the flake will gently glide/float slowly (like a feather) and land on the surface to be flaked. Hey, yeah no kidding on this one. I forgot to mention, but you need to dial the psi way way down. Start around 9 psi, sounds low huh? After hearing about this technique I shot a '51 chevy roof in my garage. No one told me about dialing down the compressor, needless to say the rafters in my garage look pretty sick. Later, I shaved all the door handles + painted the walls a flat black and had a buddy come over to pin~strip around EVERYTHING. Good luck.
I remember when Tex Smith did the first flake job in Hot Rod mag. he shook it on patted it down and blew off excess with a blow gun. worked fine. Sometimes old school is best. sounds like I need to know who that painter is so I can stay far far away.