292's have staggered motor mounts as stated, and the fuel pump is at midway on side of block instead of towards the front on other GM sixes of that era. Also the block is taller. I got one that's goin into a 55 Chevy p.u. that is my next project... update: 292 in my 55 up and runnin great for a few years now, not bad on gas but I'm an easy driver
Made my own flanges from 3/8 x 3 mild steel. I used a intake/exhaust gasket for a pattern....there are several people on the "bay" that sell nice cnc plasma cut flanges.
Jethro, that look awesome! Keep us informed of your progress. How does the 292 compare to the 235 size and weight wise? Is it longer? Iguess it must be taller? I'd like to find a 292 to go in my '41 to replace the 235 i have in there some day. Mark.
Dont overlook the 300 Ford 6 either, I had one in a 51 Anglia back in 1970 that was bored .030, Kay Sissel head & cam, Holman Moody 4 barrel intake {bet youve never seen one of them}, 600 Holley and headres that hauled ass pretty good in a 2500 lb car with a 4 speed and 9 inch rear. Ran 11.65 back then which was fast for the day. I am so sick of seeing small block chevys in cars I walk right by them
Has anyone modified a 292 to use the same type of front chassis mount like on a 235? I picked one up yesterday and would like to fit it into my '41 without welding extra mounts onto the chassis if possible. I guess I could get a plate machined up to fit behind the timing cover??? Any advice/help would be greatly appreciated. Cheers, Mark.
Your talking about useing a mid. or fornt mounting plate? Many do this to mount the motors into alterds or dragsters.I don't see why you couldn't do it.
Yes, exactly a front mounting plate. Does anyone have any pictures of how this has been done on a 292?
There should be four (4) holes, 3/8 x 16, on the front of the block. Two (2) on each side out board of the timing cover for this purpose. Good luck and let us know how it goes.
see ardmore hrr there is a purple vega with a kirby sissle headed 292 with three 500 2 barrel holleys. i built the header for it its a really neat engine$$$$$ if you know what i mean!!
I do know a little about the 292. It's mainly used in larger trucks and very common in the Chevy C50/60) grain hauling trucks. They have a longer stroke and torque. I have personally modified the head a little by installing larger valves which helps. The 292 can easliy be identified by an extra wide [tall] tappet [side] cover. Good luck!
White smoke could mean a head gasket issue causing water into the cylinder. A C10 likely did not come with a 292. They were mainly used in C50/60 trucks. Long stroke, lots of torque. I have modified a head to receive larger valves too which helps.
Go to Barnes and Noble. There is a book [ which I have somewhere ] that is about building these motors. Good info including info about crossflow heads.
working in a chevy dealership in the mid-60's the 292 was easily identified by the passenger side cover below the sparkplugs. the 'little sixes' had 4 inch or so tall covers..the BIG sixes had side covers that were all of 6 inches tall. as has been said earlier this motor was a TORQUE MONSTER! red ryder
Had one and sold it. Was in a friends 80 short bed,did better burnouts than the 350 he put in. I'm looking at a 1980 C25 reg cab long bed. Thing sounds mean. Question on it is,should I drill the inside starter bolt out and put a longer bolt in with lock washer/nut? It seems to be stripped and I can't tell if its the bolt or the block...
Whats the difference in length and height compared to say a 216? Found a nice 292 and am looking to replace the motor in my 51 chevy. Good idea?
I knew of a K10 (4X4) of 68 ish vintage that was a one-owner original pickup. Had the 292 badges right on the fenders.
Car apparently. You don't say if you want to keep the stock transmission and rear. If you do, have a BIG stock of transmissions available. You will be replacing them often. The 292 will go in with a little radiator moving. There is no stock bell housing that makes it a bolt in swap. If you want a drop-in swap stick with a 235 or 261. The GMC 302 or 270 is close to drop-in. In any case, keep a big pile of transmissions handy if you stay with the stock driveline.
Ooops! Yea its a car and yes I plan on replacing the entire driveline. Sorry. Whats a good transmission choice? T5? I intend on running a 10 bolt rear.
How much power are these things making? I don't know anything about them but this thread has peaked my interest.
This one's going in my 31 Chevy coupe with a t5, 10 bolt 66 Chevy posi and a duel Clifford intake with two 2b Hollies..