first i want to say thank you to larry and everyone that puts on the show and all the hard work that goes into it. i also want to thank clark, jr , family and friends and everyone that was involved in getting the charlie erickson special back together for the showdown . getting to go for a ride with the legendary driver/owner of the charlie erickson special Bill "Bootlegger" Towers. this will forever be scared into my mind . after the show larry lets us have track time and run the cars . if any one was able to get pictures please post them. after bill did a few wild laps, i took the car for a few laps. hotrodladycrusier hopped in for a couple passes through the mud. also a cute young blonde hair girl went for a ride (sorry i didnt catch your name!) but the first thing she asked was " can we go through the mud!" cant wait for next year!! thanks again to everyone
Charlie I think you had more fun than Bill in that thing your smile was from ear to ear all the way around the track.
Couldn't get pics, too busy laughing at you and Denise fighting over the wheel to get into or stay out of the mud. Shame Fender didn't go...
so I guess it was pretty obvious I was steering from the passenger side huh? I do have photos of the laps and am surprised that I was caught red handed My photos are uploaded to photobucket, just trying to find the time to write the keeps getting in the way. teaser
I'd suggest you bring a change of clothes for next year cuz someone that tells me they don't want to get muddy at the Showdown is just looking for trouble from us gals.
A drunken dumbass in a late model has put an end to the after hours track stuff. As soon as we are finished track time next year the water trucks will be on the track blocking it off. There will be some camping stuff rearranged also...I told you to police yourselves. Warnings are over, invites to leave will work better. BTW this is very limited, but WILL happen.
Boy can Bill drive that car! I'd like to have had a ride in it as well, it looked and sounded great! I got my annual ride in 999 though, Clark always is willing to get me muddy! Thanks!
We need to get a couple more cars together so we can run at the fair and convention. Paxton said we could have a roadster class if we could come up with 6 cars. The good part of those shows is run time is much longer and it's a group of cars. Downfall is fullface helmets and no passengers. Clark
clark so a sedan won't work? i quess i need to break out the sawzal!! man i had a blast,now i know what i missed, won't happen again !!!
He's lucky I didn't grab something else to hold on to! That dude knows how to drive that car in the dirt.
During the Fair and Convention they run in the daytime and we could join them at Williams Grove and Trail-Ways also. Just think of the speeds we could run at the Grove.
I have a pretty good video shot of this lap. He was kickin' it pretty hard. If I can figure out how to post it here I will. Stay tuned.
Yep, said it before and I'll say it again. Best show yet! Can't thank you enough Larry for dreaming it up years ago and sticking with it! Certainly don't mean to offend anyone else, but I think I can safely say Denise is the First lady of Hamb! I've had one of your cookies bronzed for posterity. I've used much of the excellent coverage of the event here to introduce others to what they are missing. It's ignited an interest to get back into projects they've let life push aside. Simply put, it's more than a great event, it's an inspiration! And more customs and rods will live again because of it. It doesn't get any better than this............... THANKS AGAIN TO ALL WHO WORKED AND PLAYED TO MAKE IT WHAT IT IS!
VA HAMB sent me the link to the video of Wild Billy and me in the roadster whipping around the track. AWESOME ride!
Larry, if my roadster fits the style, I'll volunteer. How many meetings a year for the museum,? work parties? sounds good. I could take a couple of plug wires off to even the field I got a full face helmet and lap belt. Frank
Thanks, D. I'd never miss this with out a good reason. I was really going to make a 3 dayer out of this years showdown, too. But the opportunity came about for eye surgery for june the 12. And the next one would have been a month later. And this procedure was to remove the lens in my right eye and replace it with a plastic lens. Everything went well, but I thought that 400 miles of bone shaking roads might not be good. See youse soon.
I posted yhis on another thread. Who is Billy? and what does he drive? I might have a photo of that also.
VA HAMB...that is Billy in the modified. He's from Delaware and has a couple of cars. He now has 3 cars with the V8 logo. The modified, an A coupe with a 39 hood and a 38 dirt track coupe that is street legal. He had the A coupe there also. Clark
Charlie....he's already a myth and a legend. We don't need to add to the hype! That and I couldn't type all the cars he has. Clark