Amen! The Florida Billetproof show was just amazing...especially for a first-year event! The Garlits museums were just icing on an already tasty cake!!!
it was a great show. what a better birthday then walking around seeing what you love best right? And i dont care what i have to do, Next year the 58' is making it there and i hope like hell they have the derby.
I'm glad you re-posted these pics, because the "ratrods" stood out in my mind and gave the show a poor representation.... In MY mind.
Josh, most of these cars look like the were found in the salvage yard, these people don't really drive these cars on the highways do they. How do you insure them ??
There was a little of everything, sure there were some rats, but there were also a lot of really nice painted cars as well HRLC's pics:
Wal this hyar changes ev'rythin', way t'menny sophisticated city varmints. mah wife an' ah will not be commin' next year Thank You..... beatnik!
consider some of these pics too: