Har Har funny man......you know I dont have a job. I might stop by later and see what you have been up to.
Count me in, lookin' hella forward to it. Any pre-event parties going on the night before, aside from the main one itself?
I just got back from the Inliners club meeting an a guy next to me about age 60 outa nowhere asked if I was going to Billetproof and I said hell yes are you going he said hell yes I have not missed one yet and I also attended the Detroit show, I thought that was awesome.
It's not me thats CHEEKy............thats 32Limey's go, SIDES, he's cheeky enough for the both of us.
I'll drive by yelling "HAMB AND EGGS." It'll be annoying. Bring your laptops, we'll play Quake over LAN!
What, no Pepe? I'm rolling up saturday in a rental. I'll probably spend a lot of my time feebly dribbling paint in the panel jam. Hope to see you guys there.
Well if I remember I'll be there. If I don't I'll be around. Look for the short guy wearing purple and with at least 1 camera. (what else would you expect of me?)
I'll be there boys...You'll know me as the guy taking shots for the lightning fast picture uploads for the HAMB Billetproof thread
Stop by the CruisinNews booth and say howdy. perhaps even subscribe lots of good rusty parts for sale in the rag. I'm hard to miss, 6'7". The lovely lady in the booth with me is TheSuperModel, she's 6'3"... again, hard to miss. Stop by and say hi, talk nice to TheSuperModel and she'll flash you one of her lovely smiles
What's up, Mark. Work was taking all I had to give for a while, and I've had some health problems nagging at me, but I'm laid off now and making the most of it. I've been striping more lately and one of these days I may even go so far as to wash some of the dirt off of my Galaxie and start working on it again. See ya there!