I am looking for info on Billy, he had the coolest old coupe that he used to pull my front engine rail around between rounds the year we won the hotrod reunion in bowling green.( that would be 2005) . I guess we were the only dummies at the reunion that year that didnt have a golf cart or a tow vehicle - so when he got put out - he used the coupe to pull me in the stagging lanes - we wound up beating the sheneels slider car, which was believed to be what was left of the old hubert and shubert fueler- He is from Summer field FL , big big into flatheads etc, and old skool rods did an article on the car a few years back. I was looking at the photos today of all of us in the winners circle , trophy , and just wondered where he might be . Word had it that he left FL and headed back to New Jersy , but I dont know - I cant get an answer at the Florida number, but if you know billy he dont care that much for the telephone either. Ill give it another ring , in the mornnig , but thought someone might know for sure - thanks anyway Mitch
He's still in summerfield, just went down to visit him when i was in florida in july. All is well but theres now a yblock in the coupe after the clutch went in it when the car still had the flathead.
Great , I am glad the rumor if false , and he is still around the florida area . I really enjoyed being around him those bowling green trips .He also had the coolest all aluminum motor home. never seen another like it . He has a sense of humor that was to die for - and if you couldnt stand the truth , well you know - I need to contact him in the morning .Bowling Green hasnt been the same since he stopped coming. We used to camp againt the river( under the edge of that big maple tree -only one on that side , cookout , race, bench race and if you coulnt take a practical joke , with a serious dry humor , you could't run with him. Not many left like him. THanks for the info Johnny B- you made my weekend. Mitch
Man am I glad to see this post about Billy. I haven't seen him since about 2002 at The Villages. I was his 'motor coach' operator to the 1998 NHRA Hot Rod Reunion in Columbus. We stayed at my parents house in Cincy on the way up and also for a day when the RV threw a rod on I-71 on the way back. I laid it right out on the frame rail. I used to hang around his shop on SR 40 and almost blew his glasses off in my slightly modded 1981 350 Malibu cop car. I was able to burn my tires from the side entrance to the front entrance on 40 much to his delight. I will for sure stop in his shop next time I go to Ocala. Ask him how many years his 5 window sat in his shop without seeing daylight.
Was lookin' around and came up with these pics of Billy's 5 window and the rail which we took to the reunion. Does the 5 window still have the trailer hitch on it??
Yup, Billy has passed on, I'll miss the ornery 'ol cuss, I admired him a lot, his stories are gone with him. These pics are from Billetproof 2011, that's my son, Miles in his deuce.
when I rode in that car 40 yrs ago it was yellow no lettering, interior was original except for the seat that was black roll& pleat, engine was Chev LT 1 ,350/370 Holley carb , 4 speed T-10 , ran low low 10's at Island Dragway in NJ , scare hell out of you on the street ! He also had a 65 Buick Skylark 2 door we put a nailhead 425/435 engine in out of an Electra 225 , stand on the pedal and crack the windshield everytime ! Ahh the good ole days!
I actually came across some photos today of us taking all the marbles at the HotRod Reunion in BG. I love that motorhome. Never seen another like it. Tom was with him in 2005. Forgot his last name but he was also a class act. He and Bill demanded that we use the coupe for a table as we ate in the staging lanes. He cooks a mean burger too. Coupe was still a flathead at that time. And again he after getting put out he volunteered to use the coupe to pull us during the last two rounds. I also have a shirt that MaryAnn his rail driver ( the flathead yellow one in the earlier pics) signed. Cool times. I don’t wear it because I don’t want to mess it up. I have a couple of stories that unless you really knew Bill you would swear were out right lies but trust me they were true and the one eyed horse with a crow riding on it’s back will back it up. Godspeed.