Uh ... dunno about your wheels, but mine are 16-inch International truck wheels. Are yours 15s or 16s? (Nice shoebox, btw.)
Thanks for the compliment. I'm so far into this thing that all I see is how f***-ed up it is, but yeah, someday I'd like to have a nice car! As for the engine, it's a 350.
You would probably liked the white rolls and pleats with black piping, too. The paint was '56 Chevy (Sierra Gold, I think) - kind of a copper color. Typical So-Cal style of the time.
I'm betting that if you could take an actual count you would fine that black wheels would outnumber red ones. Frank
Yeah mine are 16's too.I don't have that car anymore but I sure kept those wheels and Firestones (bought some $100 tire shop specials to roll her out of here) Looks like you've got a nice Shoebox yourself Man, gotta get her finished up. That's gonna be a nice car!
Original wheels for '49 1/2 T in excellent shape, original striping, I cleaned them up and hit them with flat rustoleum out of a can. Will gently touch up the stripes where needed, not too much though.
Thanks, man. I'd have it running this summer, except I lost my job--so right now I'm just focusing on getting the front clip back on. It'll probably get running next summer. That's my hope, anyway.
I has originally painted the wheels on my T Coupe red but after 1 summer of driving I decided to change to black and the difference is incredible. Its looks much better plus it just looks older as well.
Here is a pic I've posted many times. Maybe if I'd quit working on all my other stuff, and spent an aftertoon on the Wagon, I could drive it around and take some new ones!
I suppose your getting anxious to run up and down the strip after three years of work? All you need to do now is chop the hell out of the roof. I didn't want to sound like a dip and say that it was SBC without knowing?