Old thread's coming back to life...............Here is mine.........Its Ford industrial blue (found in the industrial paint section of the paint catalogs)........the color tractors and farm equipment was painted..........if you bought it in 55gal drums, you got the right to call it any color you wanted.........mine is base/clear
I seem to attract baby blue cars. To date I have had a '51 Ford (first car), a '61 MGA, a'69 Dodge van, a'63 Grand Prix and now this.
DuPont Fleet paint #6631 or something like that .... TIP - if you want a cheap (relatively) , non metallic paint try their fleet line - about a million blue colors .....
Ford pick-up color; blue with flattener. Code's in the garage and I already took off my shoes (yawn).
At the risk of hijacking the thread, does anyone know if this was a factory made car or a customized 4-door?