So, the car port that keeps my 53 Mercury Monterey out of the weather decided to jump ship during a bad wind storm we had the other day. Of course it couldn't do without going across the car on the way out. Now I have all sorts of dents, and scratches all over it, you're my mirror out and some other stuff. It's covered by my insurance, so I am past the shaking anger. Now I am looking for a decent body shop to do the repairs. There are a few around me, but most of them just do hack jobs on modern cars. If anyone has any suggestions in the VT area I would really appreciate it. I don't mind driving for a little bit, but don't want to make an overnight trip out of it.
If my geography is correct, Shaftsbury is pretty close to you. If so, you may want to look up a gentleman named Bruce Carman. He has a shop and does some private work. If nothing else, worth a call.
Go talk to Steve at Precision Auto Body in Castleton. Yes, they do collision work, but they work on special stuff too.
I find York Auto body in Poultney online. They have very good reviews. I was thinking of giving them a call Monday. Posted using the Full Custom H.A.M.B. App!