Well my August house guest's plans have totally changed and my buddy and I can now attend Bonneville... I have checked the lodging in Wendover with no luck, which is understandable, and I am wondering if anyone has a recommendation for lodging in Grantsville or SLCity or if there is another option? It looks as if the drive is at least 1 1/2 hours from SLC to the flats which I am prepared to do since this is the last minute scramble. This will be my first time at the flats and I think I remember needing to join the timing assn to get a entry pass??? Any help is appreciated..
You just pay at entrance to the event, no need to be an SCTA member. You can camp at the 'bend in the road' for free, or kind of motel hop and find a cancellation.
Yep, guys pick a motel/hotel and put their name on the waiting list and make sure that they are sitting there when rooms get canceled and are ready to jump up and holler "that's me". I'd take a tent and camp before driving 60 or 100 miles back and forth. You can shower at the truck stop for a few bucks. One reason is if you want to see the record runs they do them first thing in the morning and you have to be on the salt by daylight to watch them. After the first weekend posing in the hotel parking lot tapers off and people actually go out and watch the racing.
we rented a motorhome in salt lake city . thats was perfect way to go . be ready for a 1k fine if the find out you took it on the salt .
Camping at the bend...and after the first weekend a lot of people leave...and there are always rooms from cancelled reservations.