What's it off of Scooter? Maybe try coachbuilt.com; there should be some info on Briggs. Oh, I left you a message on another thread- nice avatar update... "Remember, wherever you go, there you are." BBanzai
HAHA!! Yeees.... I will look for the thread. Well. I suspect that IS a Briggs body stamping. If that's the case, that means that my body is NOT a Murray and is instead and even MORE rare slant windshield Town Sedan by Briggs. It was one of the few times that Briggs and Murray companies built the exact same body, but the Murrays were more common. BTTT in the mean time...
Yeah, I'm coming up short on information about that stamping as well. Most of the bodies were identifiable by the body tag, but in this case I don't have one so this is all I have to work with. Someone else here HAS to have a Briggs body that still has this piece intact. This plate secures the headliner tack strip to the body panel seem (have them on both sides) at the rear of the body. Wow... if this is a Briggs it will no longer be a "Modified Murray". HA!
Jesus, Bruce!!! You really DO know everything!!! You RULE!!! That is an AWESOME link and confirms everything!! I have a Briggs. You guys have to stop calling my car the Modified Murray now. HA!!
It is part of this site: http://idisk.mac.com/forever4/Public/index.htm#assorted It is filled with good info and has some good repair tech as well. The guy who runs the site is a serious researcher!
Yeah, that's really good stuff! Thanks again Bruce! So I guess the car will be the Butchered Briggs, now??
Briggs was absorbed by the Chrysler Corporation either just prior to or just after WWII. My 48 Plymouth Woodie Wagon still had the paper Briggs Final Inspection OK sticker on the firewall when I bought it.
For those of you who are curious what the hell that little bracket is, here's a picture from a couple years ago, right before the car was stripped. You can see the bracket at the left of the picture.
Hey Scoot. Next time I see you at a swap meet I'll introduce you to Leonard Briggs, he's a decendant of the Briggs bodyworks owners. He's got a lot of info. Dave
I was working at the restoration shop where/when my dad's '28 Dodge was being restored- loved finding the "DB" show up on every bolt head as the house paint dissolved!